15th March 2019

Dear Shacklewell Community,

Dear families - it has been a windy week at Shacklewell, but as always our learning has carried on uninterrupted. The school was turned bright red on Friday as we celebrated Comic Relief’s Red Nose Day. Thank you for your generosity in supporting our children to raise money for this great cause. At Shacklewell we are committed to developing the children's local and global understanding and events like Red Nose Day are perfectly matched to this ambition.

It is our intention that the curriculum at Shacklewell is enjoyable and focused on the children's knowledge and skills development. The children's learning is sequential and each child has the opportunity to review and refine their understanding throughout their time with us. In line with this, the children in KS1 and KS2 have all been developing their artistic skills. By imitating the styles of famous artists, both with paint and their iPad they have taken their first steps in becoming great artists themselves! Year 1 have also been investigating the effect of light on the human eye, as well as developing their own approach to recording their work using collage software.

Red Nose Day 19

The children loved dressing in red to help raise money for Comic Relief.

Learning 15th March

Some snapshots of learning from this week including new books for each classroom.

Monday 18th March signals the closing of one chapter in Shacklewell's history and the beginning of a new era as the Year 6 children move into their brand new classrooms! I am sure there will be some happy memories of 'The Hut' but the children in 6S and 6W cannot wait to get started in their state of the art classrooms. The construction team will now be focused on the demolition work of the old classrooms. They will also be resurfacing the playground area. Between now and the end of term the access points to the lower playground will be restricted and may alter at short notice. Please follow the instructions of staff as we enter this transition period and I appreciate your patience as we come to the end of this project.

Look out for the booking instructions for parent's consultations which will be shared with you on Monday. This Thursday is also the Year 2 Come Learn With Me and I know that Mr. Dowling and Ms. Townend having something exciting lined up!

Remember if you have any questions about anything at Shacklewell, my door is always open- please do not hesitate to speak with me either in the playground or arrange to see me via the office.


English book examples

This week has seen the children produce some amazing work as part of their English curriculum.

Year Six have impressed their teachers with their sustained and detailed non-chronological reports about living things.

Year 5 have been developing their non-fiction skills by writing instructions on how to play their favourite sport or activity.

Finally, throughout the school children have been writing some superb, interactive reviews of their writing weeks books, and have added them to our whole-school Bookflix presentation.

Mathematics book examples

As mentioned in previous weeks the children are increasingly focused on reasoning mathematically and how to use their developing mathematical vocabulary to clearly express their thinking.

This renewed initiative is having a hugely positive impact on all of the children in the school. By providing a context of the children to experiment with their vocabulary they in turn are more precise in its use.

It has also allowed children to present their thinking creatively. As a result of using diagrams, pictures and equipment the children can now explain links between mathematical topics they had not previously understood.

Fortnite Parents Guide 051218.pdf


There will be a Mad Hatters parade and competition, with a prize for the best hat. The crazier the better!

Come and enjoy games, food and more. Fingers crossed for good weather so that we can welcome some Spring sunshine! If you would like to volunteer at this event by running a game or helping in the kitchen then please let us know.

Contact us on info@shacklewellfamilies.com


19th May Hackney Half-Marathon

7th June Bake Off!

6th July Summer Fair


Can you help raise money for our Summer Trips?

Many of the children have signed up to run a mile every Friday after school which will culminate in their final mile being run at the Hackney half marathon on SUNDAY 19th MAY.

We also have many parents/guardians running on the day. Last year we raised money for the school through a GoFundMe page linked to this event. We would like to do the same this year but on a larger scale. Friends and family wishing to sponsor those running will be able to do so by making an online donation.

Our aim is to raise money to enable all our children to go on SUMMER TRIPS. This will be financially difficult for the school without our help.

If you or your child are running and you would like to know more then please contact Naomi or Dan at info@shacklewellfamilies.com