8th January

A Message from MS. REid

Dear Families,

Happy New Year to you all and welcome back to the new term, optimistically called Spring Term- a bit of comfort amid the plummeting temperatures. New displays are already being finished off in our main hall and classrooms look bright and busy, awaiting the children for another exciting range of topics, music, sports, art events and creativity in a multitude of curriculum areas. You are able to see the full breakdown of your child's curriculum areas when you receive the cohort curriculum leaflets this week.

Our new behaviour system 'Say Yes to Success' has had a good two days to get everyone informed and ready for the rest of the year. Some classes have been awarded with lots of learning points for their successes and are on track to fill their bowls before the end of the half term. Refining our behaviour system with the children's own aspirations and curiosity will benefit everyone. Being resilient, focused, inquisitive and creative is what we always do at Shacklewell. Our children have been saying yes to success for years!

bulletin images 8th Jan

You will also be receiving shortly our 'Maker Mats' and you have until past the Spring half term to look through these challenges and choose which ones appeal to your creative ways.

After school club starts again this week so please ensure that all fees are up to date by checking your Parent Pay account.

Finally, I would like to thank those of you who have extended congratulations to myself and staff members over the recently published news that Shacklewell is officially the top primary school in Hackney and doing pretty well in national terms too. Statistics have a place of course, and we are all proud of the results but I am even more proud of Shacklewell pupils. They are the best.

Have a lovely week Shacklewellers and wrap up warm!

Curriculum Leaflets

This week we will be sharing the curriculum leaflets for the spring 1 term. The curriculum leaflets will outline the different parts of the National Curriculum that the children will cover and the different topics they will study.

The curriculum leaflets will also share the ways in which you can support your children at home.

These important documents will be sent home in book bags and will be available from the website.

If you have any questions about the curriculum content for your child's class then please arrange to see the class teacher.

curriculum leaflets

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Tweets 8th January

WHat's the App?

This week we will be focusing not on a specific app but on the many gifts and toys thats the children may have received over the festive period.

Many of the most popular toys this Christmas can access the Internet in a variety of ways.

The NSPCC have created a fantastic website which gives tips and advice to parents about the 'Internet of Things'. It also provides strategies on how to talk to your children about safe Internet use, regardless of the device they are using.

Click the picture to find out more.