5th MArch

Update from MS. Reid

Firstly, a big thank you for fighting the 'Big Freeze' and helping to maintain the high levels of attendance at Shacklewell last week! We are always proud of how resilient our children are and despite the cold they enjoyed coming to school and playing with their friends in the snow. Many of the staff struggled to come in and despite the long journeys they managed to get to school on time so a big thank you to them also. Of course snow naturally means fun for the children and we managed to play out even when the weather was bitterly cold.

Shacklewell has received a congratulatory letter from the RT Honourable Nick Gibb MP, Minister of States for School Standards. He referred to our position in the top 2% of schools in England for enabling pupils to make great progress between KS1 and 2. He particularly mentions, the very high levels of progress that pupils made in reading, writing and mathematics.

Please remember to sign up for our parent consultations online https://parents-booking.co.uk/shacklewellprimary. If you are unsure about how to do so please contact the office team, who will be more than happy to support you with this. Please note that at anytime before the Parents Evening you can click on the link again to check your booking time or unbook if you are unable to attend the appointment. If you have not already done so please book your appointment as soon as possible to ensure you get the most convenient time for you.

UPdate from Spa

Thanks to all the parents who were able to come to our "Say Hello to SPA" event last Friday! We celebrated some of SPA's achievements in the last 12 months, including raising over £5,000 through our fun, community-building events, all of which will be spent on great things for Shacklewell children.

We have already had some great success this half term with the confirmation that four new water fountains will be donated and fitted in the playground by the end of the Spring term!

If you weren't able to come, and if your Friday mornings are usually tied up, we're now using a great tool called Slack to let all parents participate in planning.

To get involved let us know what areas you can help with: Arts & Crafts • Designing Posters & Flyers • Fundraising • Helping with food, drink or entertainment at SPA events • Running a stall • Telling other parents about SPA

Just email spa@newwavefederation.co.uk with your name!

SPA Event

Parents we need you help! Could you please donate your unwanted school uniform items for our uniform sale. Drop them off in the Community Room on Monday 12th March.

Tweets from @ShacklewellE8

World Book Day

Our favourite characters walked straight off the page and into the school on Thursday as the whole community celebrated their love of reading for World Book Day.

We had Cats in Hats, Wallys and Trunchbulls all throughout the school and it was excellent to see the care and attention that the children (and their families!) had put into creating the eye-catching costumes.

We shared stories between classes and teachers handed over teaching duties so that children could share their favourite story with a new group of children.

What was most brilliant about the day was that the children all celebrated the importance of reading and the positive impact it can have in our lives!