5th February

A Message from MS. REid

Dear Families,

It is not everyone's experience but to me the half-term has come very quickly. One week to go and I cannot believe we are halfway through the academic year.

This morning we waved a temporary goodbye, to some year six pupils wishing them a wonderful week at PGL- a residential week away for schools. They will miss home no doubt but going away with your friends and teachers is often a hugely rewarding experience. Teachers, in the past, have often recalled how some pupils really develop sides of their character that were not so prominent previously. There are some tremendously challenging activities at PGL including rock climbing and canoeing and the food is really good too! It will be a tiring and thrilling time for all, including staff!

For those year six pupils that have decided to remain at school a full week of trips and local activities has been arranged to keep them busy, happy and tired. These include trips to ice skating, bowling, and the local cinema, and a visit to our local Nando's restaurant!


Please check the calendar on our website for dates of our Come Learn With Me events. Our Nursery children will be the first year group to hold their event on Thursday 1st March. Parents can look forward to creating colourful prints and patterns with their children related to their IPC host country, South Africa.

During the half term, if you are staying around in London, take a look at the Imagine Festival at the South Bank, try a free Museum visit or two, or you could go on a Winter walk and get muddy exploring one of our cities wonderful green spaces.

Don't forget it is also time for a great opportunity for you to be creative with your children as you choose something to work on from our homework Maker Mat selection. We want to see all those fantastic creations in school and on display after the break.

Have a lovely and restful half term break!


This week we are thrilled to be able to have Bikeability working with us again.

The Hackney council initiative promotes sustainable travel by teaching children about the benefits of using a bike and how to do it safely on our busy roads.

The children in Year 5 have been split into small groups and this week 20 of them will practice their cycling skills both in the playground and on the road.

They will each get a certificate at the end of the week, celebrating their individual successes.

bikeability 5th feb


This week we are celebrating Internet Safety Week. Whilst the national focus is on tomorrow, Safer Internet Day, we have decided to spend the whole week thinking about this very important topic.

The slogan this year is Create. Connect. Share Respect and each class will be working through appropriate material which will prompt discussions about how to stay safe online whilst enjoying all it has to offer.

Internet safety is integral to our teaching throughout the year and Safer Internet Day is a great opportunity to supplement this work, so that our children know how to protect themselves and others online.

Some of the resources we are using can be found here and here and you can see what's going on nationwide by following #SID2018 on social media.

SID2018 5th feb

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Tweets 5th Feb