26th MArch

Update from MS. Reid

As the Spring term comes to an end we are already thinking ahead to the summer term.

Our summer After School Club timetable came home today. Have a browse, make a selection and return the club request to the school office by 5pm this Wednesday.

When the children have been allocated we will then confirm places by text message. All activities must be pre-paid and please note, that places will not be allocated to any children where there are arrears on their Parentpay Account.

Copies of all after school information, including our exciting timetable, can be found on our website. Should you need any further assistance, please do call, pop in or email. We are always happy to help!

Clubs will launch Tuesday 17th April and our final will take place on Thursday 12th July.

The children will be bringing their completed home learning projects back to you this week and each child will receive a certificate to congratulate their efforts.

Please ensure uniform is collected from the lost property boxes no later than Wednesday; anything left behind will be recycled.

School will close at 2pm on Thursday 29th March and will re-open at the usual time on Tuesday 17th April.

Parent's evening reminded me of how fantastic our community is and I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for you continued support. Shacklewell would not be the same vibrant and creative school it is without you, so I hope that however you choose to spend the holiday it is relaxing and enjoyable for you all.

UPdate from Spa


Friday 11th May 3.45 - 5.45pm

A celebration and sharing of culture at Shacklewell.

Cook or bake your favourite dish that represents you, your family, or culture and share it with the rest of the Shacklewell community.

Get in touch if you would like to contribute food or entertainment.

All food must be brought to school by 3pm. Please remember, no nuts, no sesame and no seeds, or products containing these items. Thank you for helping us take care of our children with allergies.

You can also come along to:

Shacklewell Day Planning Meeting!

Tuesday 27th March, 9am in the community room.

All parents welcome!


We're running the Hackney Half Marathon!

39 children, 6 teachers and at least 5 parents are participating in this year's Hackney Half Marathon. If you're running this year and you'd like to be part of Team Shacklewell please let us know!

We'll be raising money for Shacklewell through our GoFundMe page.

Please spread the word & give generously



Shacklewell parents need a new logo and we want Shacklewell children to design it.

We’ll be using the winning entry next to the words Shacklewell Parents. We need you to come up with an image that fits the bill and represents all the fun events that we do.

Important guidelines for your design!

•It can be an abstract pattern, symbol or design, or a depiction of something (examples above)

•Round, square, portrait, landscape - any shape you like is fine.

•You can make it on paper, digital or collage.

•Please don't include any words or text.

•Most importantly, make sure it has visual impact!

The deadline for entries is Tuesday 1st May 2018​. If you have any questions please get in touch. Good luck, have fun but remember, there can only be one winner!

How many times can you re-read Diary of a Wimpy Kid?

SPA is setting up an Honesty Library of donated books from parents and friends so anyone can borrow a book and return it for others to read. If you have books your child no longer reads, gathering dust at home, we'd love it if you would pass these on for others to share.

All Shacklewell students are automatically members of the SPA Honesty Library. Donate by dropping your books to the school office (put your name and email address on the bag so we can thank you!) and our Honesty Librarian, Tasmin will add them to our growing collection.

Contact Us

SPA have a new Instagram ​page!

Follow us to keep up to date with SPA projects and upcoming events.

We are also on Twitter​ and Facebook​

•Twitter is: @Shacklewell_PA

•Search for Shacklewell Parents on Facebook

Email us at spa@newwavefederation.co.uk to find out more on how you can become involved.

Tweets from @ShacklewellE8

Sporting SUccess

Badminton Brilliance!

A top notch performance by Team Shacklewell at the Young Hackney Schools Badminton Tournament at Britannia Leisure Centre last week.

Fabulous focus and play by all our team and we are delighted to report that we took a super silver medal in the doubles!

Well done guys!

Junior Road Safety officers

Stop! Look! Listen! Our Year 5 Junior Road Safety Officers (JRSO's) sang with our road smart Reception children from Aqua and Sky Class.

Our JRSO's are proud to champion road safety and promote active travel. Watch this space as they announce their Summer plans in the coming weeks.

Sugar Smart Campaign

We are delighted to be supporting the #SugarSmartHackney campaign.

It's a super collaboration between Hackney Council and The Hackney Food Partnership and aims to reduce excessive sugar consumption in the borough.

This involves working with schools, early years, workplaces, community groups, leisure centres and independent cafes and restaurants to raise awareness and take action to reduce sugar consumption, particularly by children.

We will be making pledges at Shacklewell to reduce sugar in our diets, as part of this local and national campaign. To find out more click the link Sugar Smart UK.