26th February

Update from MS. Reid

As we have just past the mid-point of the academic year our second parents evening is coming up and will be held on Thursday 22nd March. Our new appointment system is now entirely online and we will no longer be booking appointments in the playground. Please see below a link that will give you access to the booking system. https://parents-booking.co.uk/shacklewellprimary. In addition to this a letter will be coming home tomorrow explaining this further. The Parents Evening itself is a perfect opportunity to discuss your child's progress towards the end of year expectations based on the National Curriculum outcomes for each cohort.

As you will be aware from digesting the recent OFSTED report our staff and indeed the whole school community provide an excellent environment in which pupils are 'encouraged to challenge their thinking further and to investigate'. At Shacklewell we ensure each child's needs are catered for and we value parents evenings as a wonderful opportunity to liaise closely with you to get things right for your child.

One of our main focus this week is the celebration of World Book Day on Thursday. We would like everyone to come into school dressed up as their favourite book character! All children will be participating in a variety of activities throughout the day such as filming book trailers and creating board games based on their favourite story. Please check out our school website and our Twitter feed to view some of the lovely photos captured on the day.

Other NEWS

For those parents who would like to know more about the great work SPA is doing for our school or would like to get involved with SPA activities you are specially invited to this Friday's coffee morning at 9am in the lower hall. I will be there along with the SPA team to take your questions and have a discussion about SPA and the upcoming events to be organised this Spring and Summer.

I am kindly requesting that all parents who arrive to school by car early in the morning to please switch off your vehicle engine whilst waiting. It is well known that car fumes contribute to urban pollution and this is known to be detrimental to our children's health and well being.

I hope you have all enjoyed reading your Curriculum Leaflets detailing the different subject content that will be taught in Spring 2. Please keep updated with your weekly spelling and maths home work and please be reminded that your child must write in their journals twice per week.

I am delighted to say that Dr Bike is back for more bike checks, minor maintenance and cycling TLC on Thursday 15th March. Meet our two fab mechanics in the Top Playground from 8.30am. A delicious breakfast will be on offer to all that make an active journey to school!

Tweets from @ShacklewellE8

Sports at Shacklewell

On Friday, 40 of our Key Stage 2 children started their training for the Virgin Hackney Half Marathon. Each Friday afternoon, the PE coaches and other staff members will be training the children to develop their stamina and resilience for the big day on the 20th May. On the day the children will join other Hackney Primary Schools to complete the final mile at Hackney Marshes. Similar to previous years we are looking for volunteers and families to join us on the day to celebrate the children crossing the finishing line in true Shacklewell style! If your child is involved with this event you can also prepare them for the day by getting involved in your local park run.

Here at Shacklewell we continuously promote sports and competition and this term has been no exception. We have had cyclists competing on both fixed indoor bikes and at outdoor mud track events.

Our Key Stage 1 children have had the chance to test their skills at the Hackney Multi-Skills academy and our Key Stage 2 children have taken part in cross country running, table tennis and rugby competitions! Please continue to check our school website to find out how we get on in each event.

Sports Teams 26th Feb