19th MArch

Update from MS. Reid

Having confidently said last week that spring had sprung, I hope you enjoyed your weekend in the winter snow! Thankfully things at Shacklewell are much more predictable at this time of year.

Our annual Science Week took place last week with children in every year group getting the opportunity to examine the life and work of a forgotten scientist. The children took part in a variety of experiments and 4W bought it all together with a fantastic sharing assembly on Friday.

Another long standing arrangement for this time of the academic year is parent consultations which happen this Thursday 22nd March from 3.45pm-8.00pm. If you have not booked your appointment for Thursday, you still have time. You can either pop into the office or click this link. The booking system will close this Wednesday at 3.30pm so please ensure that you book your slot. Parent consultation is the ideal opportunity to speak with your child's teacher about your their progress and attainment.

There has been a huge explosion in the amount of home learning coming into school and it is truly bringing Shacklewell to life. It is fantastic to see the dedication and passion that you are showing for the children's projects. The final day to bring these into school is Monday 26th March. Remember if you have created something using digital technology, then you can bring it in on a memory stick or email it to swoffice@newwavefederation.co.uk for the attention of your child's class teacher. The children will receive certificates in class next week to celebrate their home learning and they will be able to showcase what they have created with their class.

It has been lovely this past week to see parents working in class to demonstrate their personal passions with our children. We have had medical discussions in Year 3 to support their 'Shaping Up' topic, mindfulness classes in Year 5 and leadership and resilience coaching in Year 4. If you have a particular passion or skill you would like to share then please let the office know and we can arrange a time for you to come in to school.

Have a great week.

Home learning 19th March 20418

UPdate from Spa

Thanks to everyone who supported our Bake Off we raised just under £300! Special thanks to all who contributed and helped on the day, including our fabulous panel of judges who even rolled up their sleeves to help with the selling!

Our Bake off WINNERS were:

*Best Cake Made by a Child • Neve- Year 2*

*Best Science Themed Cake • Fay- Year 5*

*Best Tasting Cake • Daphne- Year 2*

*Best Show Stopper Cake • Charlie- Year 4*

*Best of the Worst! • Sophie - Year 5*

Finally, thanks to Morrisons in Stamford Hill for kindly donating the Easter Egg prizes.

Just on the horizon is the Hackney Half Marathon and this year we are fundraising as a school. 39 children, 6 teachers and at least 5 parents are participating in this year's Hackney Half Marathon. If you're running this year and you'd like to join Team Shacklewell please let us know! We'll be raising money for Shacklewell through this GoFundMe page: https://www.gofundme.com/shacklewellparents

How many times can you re-read Diary of a Wimpy Kid?

SPA is setting up an Honesty Library of donated books from parents and friends so anyone can borrow a book and return it for others to read. If you have books your child no longer reads, gathering dust at home, we'd love it if you would pass these on for others to share.

All Shacklewell students are automatically members of the SPA Honesty Library. Donate by dropping your books to the Community room (put your name and email address on the bag so we can thank you!) and our Honesty Librarian, Tasmin will add them to our growing collection.

Remember: we always need your help! To find out more please contact spa@newwavefederation.co.uk

Thanks to all parents for your continued support!

Tweets from @ShacklewellE8

Dr. Bike

Check out our cycle confident mechanics giving our bikes some TLC.

We are delighted to host Dr Bike each term promoting all weather cycling and championing a greener Hackney. It was great to see so many families taking advantage of the service.

The cyclists were given a yummy breakfast for making an active journey to school. Dr. Bike will be back in the summer term.

dr bike

Musical Opportunities with St. Pauls

We have been offered some out-of-term opportunities by Hackney Children’s Choir for all of our children to join in with Hackney Choral Courses.

Children can attend on Thursday 12th April (taster day) and, if they decide to continue, will participate on Thursday 26th– Sunday 29th July. This final date will include a community cabaret and a performance in St Paul’s Cathedral!

If you would like a place for you child please contact Tom Daggett by email tdaggett@stpaulscathedral.org.uk

The courses are run by a professional team of musicians and teachers. The day runs from 8.30am until 5.00pm each day, and while there is a small cost, there are full bursaries for any family who feel they need additional support.

These courses are going to be huge fun!