12th March

Update from MS. Reid

Untitled presentation

Reception Come Learn With Me

Spring is officially here! It was evident in the Reception 'Come Learn With Me' last Thursday as parents and carers joined their children for an art and craft session in the top hall. The smiles on the faces of those who took part said it all; that was just the adults! Spring continues this week as our Year 1 families come along to a similar session to make healthy smoothies!

In other news some of the Reception children have recently mastered the first 100 High Frequency Words. This is quite a milestone towards greater fluency in reading. Congratulations to them!

The home learning 'Maker Mats' are also bearing fruit as we see the constant stream of fabulous homemade creations coming into school. You have all been very busy by the looks of it! The photos of edible sculptures looking delicious and healthy, herb and vegetable gardens as well as the numerous collages, posters and investigations show the level of passion for learning in the school community. If you have created something using digital technology, perhaps a presentation on Book Creator or an iMovie please bring it in on a memory stick or email it to swoffice@newwavefederation.co.uk for the attention of your child's class teacher.

Please click the link to have a look at one of our Year 5 children's fantastic digital project!

We would like to thank all of you who have given permission for the school to publish your child's work on Pobble. This site allows us to publish children's work and for parents/carers and staff all around the world to view it and interact with it. This is another way for you to see what your child is able to produce independently in writing and make a comment on it as a parent. In addition teachers are able to access high quality resources which support with the planning of writing lessons. The other great thing about Pobble is that pupils see themselves as authors, who have published a valued extensive piece of writing and this adds to the pride they already have as writers at Shacklewell.

Please be reminded to book online for your Parents Consultation Meeting on Thursday of next week. At the meeting you can expect to be told how far your child has progressed since the autumn term and how your child is progressing towards the end of year outcomes. Teachers will also explain any gaps in your child’s learning and how you can support them further at home. This is the just over the half way point for the school year so please feel confident and supported to ask any questions you have about your child’s progress.

UPdate from Spa

Fantastic news from Shacklewell parents this week because our 4 fabulous new drinking fountains have arrived! They will be installed over the Easter holidays. Great work from parents Anna & Emma for sourcing these wonderful donations!

Don’t forget that Friday is our Shacklewell Bake off cake sale. Now is your chance to show off your baking talents!

Entries can be dropped off anytime before 2pm on Friday for judging, and please remember to clearly label your entry with your name. The winning cakes will get an Easter egg prize!

Remember Shacklewell is an allergy friendly school so please no nuts, sesame or seeds in order to protect our community members with allergies.

If you fancy joining in the fun, the baking categories are:

  • Best cake made by a child

  • Best cake made by a teacher

  • Best Science themed cake

  • Best showstopper cake

  • Best tasting cake

  • Best of the worst

If you don't have the time or inclination to make a cake then please remember you can contribute by buying one or two slices of the undoubtedly delicious treats!

Alongside the Bake Off their will be a uniform sale so if you have any uniform to donate please leave it in the community room no later than Wednesday 14th.

If you’d like to help out or find out more then please email: spa@newwavefederation.co.uk

Tweets from @ShacklewellE8

Science Week #BS2018

It is National Science Week this week and as a school we are celebrating those scientists who may have been overlooked by history.

The children will explore this topic 'Lost Scientists of History' by first of all examining the life of one of the scientists, and then recreating one of their inventions, experiments or ideas.

Some of our parents are also coming in to school this week to demonstrate the way in which they work in the scientific industries and to inspire our children to think about a future in a scientific career.

All of the children will be challenged to see scientists as ordinary people and to challenge the stereotypes around what a makes a person a scientist.

Some of the great minds we will be focusing on include, Ada Lovelace who was instrumental in the creation of computers, George Washington Carver, who changed how food and crops are grown and Michael Creeth who helped us understand the way DNA works.

Be sure to check next week's bulletin to see what we get up to!