Friday 26th November

Headteacher Update

Dear families,

What a chilly week it has been but the dropping temperatures haven't put us of our stride at Shacklewell, as you can see below.

This week we have been working hard to remind the children to be safe inside and outside of school. I wrote to you all yesterday to let you know how we are doing this. It is particularly important that as the days get shorter the children understand how to keep themselves safe in all contexts.

The news regarding the new variant of coronavirus has understandably made many of you anxious. Our in school measures are helping to reduce the likelihood of transmission and the children are being very responsible when it come to cleaning their hands regularly and keeping their distance. You can support us by completing regular lateral flu tests at home, even if the children have no symptoms. When we learn of a positive case within a class we will write to that group's families to let them know.

Next week we are looking forward to parent consultations which are taking place virtually. A link will be shared with you on Wednesday 1st so you are ready for your appointment on Thursday 2nd. If you have not done so already please click here to book your appointment and please note that 4W parent consultations are on Wednesday evening instead of Thursday.

I am looking forward to the festivities that light ahead in the next few weeks and whilst we have had to make some amendments we are determined that the children will have a positive and fun filled end of term.


This Week at Shacklewell

This week has been another full of learning opportunities and excitement for the children here at Shacklewell. Following on from their tweet last week by two famous authors, the early years were diving back into books, focusing on the 'The Colour Monster' written by Anna Llenas which is a story about feelings. They drew still-life flowers, inspired by Van Gogh, in order to add brightness to their friends' days. They also showed off the culinary skills whilst baking their own monster biscuits and decorating them.

In key stage one, for history, children explored and compared a range of different historical artefacts. They also retrieved information, using a range of sources on New York and began to create o non-chronological report including information regarding famous landmarks, types of cuisine and transport options.

In key stage two, our ambitious and courageous pupils created persuasive speeches and manifestos to explain why they should be the next Prime Minister. They've used their knowledge from their class text, 'The Accidental Prime Minister' written by Tom McLaughlin, to inspire them. Year 4 have been busy in maths interpreting data and answering questions using estimation in the process. They've also been developing their understanding of dialogue, using inverted commas to punctuate it, by writing and recording witness accounts of an event. Year 5 have been working collaboratively over the last few weeks in computing by creating a presentation based on the 'untold' stories of inspiring individuals. Year 6 have been exploring different enquiry questions to prove their knowledge of light and its characteristics. They used a range of equipment and created hypotheses in the process.

Upcoming Events

Key Dates

Our KS2 maths parent session this week was a great success- thank you to everybody that managed to join us via Google Meet. On Thursday we would like to invite all of our KS1 parents to a similar session focused on maths learning. Mr Omisore is looking forward to discussing our approach to teaching maths and the ways in which you can support learning at home. The session is due to take place on Thursday at 9.15am and a text with the link to the meeting will be sent out just before 9.00am.

This week the children in preschool demonstrated their road safety skills with trips to practise crossing the road outside of school. I am sure you will notice their super safety skills as they walk into school and leave at the end of the day.

On the theme of road safety, our JRSOs will be out in force next week. On Friday, they will be working with the local traffic police and some of the Hackney Sustainable Travel team to measure vehicle speed on Shacklewell lane.

Year 2 will be welcoming a guest to their classrooms, albeit virtually, as part of their English work next week. David Litchfield, the author of The Bear and The Piano, has kindly agreed to take part in a session with our children. They are currently using this brilliant story to inspire their writing activities. As a hugely successful writer and illustrator they will have a chance to discuss the story with David and practise their drawing skills by following some step by step guides too.


  • Wednesday 1st December:
    KS1 Parents Maths Session

  • Thursday 2nd December:
    Parent Consultations

  • Thursday 9th December:
    Whole school Christmas lunch

  • Friday 10th December:
    Christmas Jumper day

  • Friday 10th December:
    Year 1 - 6 at the Hackney Empire pantomime

  • Tuesday 14th December:
    Whole School 'Winter Sounds' concert [digital]

  • Thursday 16th December:
    Winter Fair after school

  • Friday 17th December:
    School finishes at 2.00pm for Christmas holiday