5th October

A message from Mr. McGrath

Dear all,

Last week at Shacklewell we had to make the difficult decision to close the Reception, Nursery and Two Year Old Provision. I know that this has had an impact on many families, but I am sure you appreciate that the decision was not taken lightly. After receiving the notification of a positive Covid-19 test result within this part of the school, Public Health England, working in tandem with the Department for Education, advised me on the course of action to take. I hope too that the families affected felt reassured by the clarity of information which was shared alongside the quick release of learning materials for children to access at home. We are very much looking forward to welcoming the children back to school on Monday 12th October, so long as they or a member of the family has not developed Covid-19 symptoms.

This week is an important time for the wider New Wave Federation, as we look to elect new parent governors. Each parent or guardian, is entitled to vote. The ballot papers ask you to select two candidates. These papers were shared with families in book bags last Friday. If you did not receive them then please contact the school office. Families in the Two Year Olds, Nursery and the Reception classes have had separate communication on how to ensure they can cast their vote. Ballot boxes are available outside the school gates at the start and end of the day- voting closes on Friday 9th October so be sure not to miss your chance to vote.

I am pleased to share with you that our attendance at Shacklewell has been strong since we have retuned to school. Before the events of last week we were 5% above the average attendance for Hackney. We know that you are all doing your best to bring your children to school on time everyday.

I am very pleased to share with you an exciting new project that will be starting next half term. 'Untold Stories: Our Unique Heritage' will allow our pupils to celebrate their own unique heritage by sharing stories and information about their families, their ancestries and identities through art, storytelling, drama and photography. We are also reaching out to local and national artists and performers, inviting them to be part of our project with the children. We will also be extending this invite to our families and communities as we seek to find partners and friends to work with as we aim to give the children an amazing project. We would like to offer our thanks to those parents who have already been in contact with us, sharing ideas of how they can get involved. If you too think that you might be able to give us advice, support us or share any amazing and wonderful stories, please do get in touch with the school office.

I hope you all continue to remain safe and have a good week.


Stories from across the school

Children have started their geography topics this half term full of questions about the world around them. It has been a joy to see all the skills and knowledge they are developing. The buzz around the school is amazing as children dive into Google Earth and zoom into Ordnance Survey maps.

In Key Stage One it is brilliant to see the children developing their knowledge of the wider world, it is now vital that they are retaining and building on the content by exploring facts about the world.

Key Stage Two have done a fantastic job of refining the skills already learnt, they now need to keep this up and keep practising the retrieval of their knowledge.

Take a look at some of the key pieces of knowledge children need to acquire at each key stage. Can you challenge your child to a competition to see who can recall the most facts?

Geography Bulletin

How to contact us