28th September

A message from Mr. McGrath

Dear families,

This weekend we were given a firm reminder that autumn has started. However the chilly winds and grey skies didn't stop me getting out and exploring Epping forest, which had the dazzling colours of the season already beginning to appear. I hope you all were able to enjoy the crisp temperatures and get out and about.

Children in Year 6 and Nursery have recently been sent information regarding the next stages of their educational journeys. If you are a parent whose child will be going to secondary school in September 2021 you must apply soon for their place. The office team are ready to assist you with this process- just give them a call. We also have a parent session planned for all year 6 families on 6th October. There is no sign up for this event, we will send a Zoom link 15minutes ahead of the 3.45pm start time, to allows all families to join the webinar. For those families in Nursery, thinking about Reception places for September 2021, please book a virtual tour at the school office. We are also happy to assist any family who would like help with their form.

During the period of lockdown lots of our families were able to access free school meals. Unfortunately the government have reintroduced limits to the eligibility criteria and they are asking for families to apply through the traditional methods to access free school meals. If you are interested in applying you can use this link:- Hackney Free School Meals. Please do not hesitate to contact Bev at the office if you would like some support with this.

At Shacklewell we are constantly reflecting on our provision for all learners. As part of this we are about to review our provision for each child with special educational needs. If you feel your child may benefit from some additional support in school for either academic or social concerns then please do not hesitate to contact their class teacher.

Have an enjoyable week, and wrap up warm!


Key Dates

1st October: Maths parents webinar (am and pm)

2nd October: Parent Council (virtual)

6th October: Year 6 provision meeting

21st October: METs shared with families

23rd October: End of half term

Coronavirus Update

Last week we sent out a letter from NHS and Public Health England which outlined the expectations around test and trace. Please ensure you have read this carefully. The government have also released the NHS Covid -19 app, which is available here for iPhone and here for Android users. Please be mindful that this app may provide you with an update about possible exposure to coronavirus. Please ensure that you communicate with the school as soon as possible if you receive this notification.

The government also released a poster last week to remind families that we are now in cold and flu season. This creates an unfortunate situation because the children will likely present symptoms which could be either coronavirus or a more common cold. Please remember that a runny nose, sneezing and general feelings of being unwell do not mean your child has contracted Covid-19. If your child develops a high temperature, a new continuous cough or a change/loss of smell and taste then they must stay at home and you must request a test.

Stories from across the school

Many families may hear talk of tokens or notice our behaviour system when children come home with certificates commending particular behaviours for learning. We teach the children that in order to be successful learners, they need to be resilient, focussed, inquisitive and creative.

As a means of rewarding these excellent attitudes to learning the children are given 'success tokens' for each of the four standards. Each week, we have a focus standard and one child per class receives a certificate to celebrate how they have demonstrated this behaviour. This week the teachers are looking for creativity.

The children know that to be creative might include thinking about problems in different ways as well as creating imaginative learning outcomes. They use their inquisitive minds throughout the day and often do so in collaboration with one another. Focus and resilience are behaviours that help children achieve the very best as they persevere through different challenges.

Please do have a chat with your children about how they demonstrate these behaviours when learning and how these standards help them to succeed.

Say Yes To Success 28.09.20

How to contact us