19th October

A message from Mr. McGrath

Dear families,

I cannot believe that this is the end of our first half term. On the 7th September this point seemed a long way off, but the calm and sensible transition back to school has allowed this to be an incredibly successfully term for Shacklewell.

Looking ahead to the new half term I am very pleased to let you know that Parent's Evening has been confirmed for the afternoon and evening of Thursday 12th November. In order for all families to electronically meet their teacher on this day, school will close at 12.30pm for all pupils. I will be writing to you later this week with more details about how to book a time to meet the teachers.

In preparation for the new term, this Friday we will be sending home curriculum guides. These guides are designed to help you talk with your child about their upcoming topics and will include some ideas about books to share and websites to visit.

I am also pleased to announce that as a whole school community we will be recording two audiobooks. The children responded incredibly well to the stories their teacher's shared with them during lockdown and we felt that we should continue with this project. The children in Year 1 - 3 will hear Sam Wu is not afraid of Ghosts and Year 4-6 will dive into the world of Wildspark. Each of these books was voted on within the key stages and the teachers cannot wait to get started with their recordings.

I hope that you all have a peaceful and safe half term,
