14th September

A message from Mr. McGrath

Dear families,

I hope you all enjoyed a great weekend. It was nice to be able to relax and enjoy the sunshine after an action packed first week back.

Arrangements for drop off and collecting children are ever evolving and whilst the shared start time was very useful it has in itself brought up some sticking points. To address these we are making some minor tweaks, outlined below. We appreciate your patience as we refine the organisation but I know that you appreciate the situation in which we are all working. As always we welcome any feedback so please let me know if you have any questions or comments.

As part of our commitment to support you during this time breakfast club will begin, albeit for limited numbers, on Monday 21st September. Please see the flyer below for details on how to secure your child's place.

On Friday 18th we will be sending our iPad devices home with the children in year 5 and 6. We expect them to be back in school on Monday 21st and the children will have some homework to do on them. If you have not already done so please return the acceptable use policy to the class teacher so we know that the child can take the device home. If you would like to get some tips on how to support your child to use the iPad or how to find out more about this project then please complete this form to sign up to one of our webinars on Thursday 17th or Monday 21st. Year 4 iPads will begin to be sent home from Friday 25th.

Next week, Wednesday 23rd and Thursday 24th we have a parent's phonics sessions for Year 1 and 2. This is a great opportunity for you to find out about our approach to teaching phonics and early reading. Please use this form to sign up to either session.

Finally, a big thank you to those families who have completed the form to share updated contact details. It will be closing on the afternoon of Friday 18th, so I would appreciate you completing this before then.

The children have loved being back in class and the teachers have really enjoyed getting back to what they do best. It is down to your hard work and support at home that makes us successful, so thank you for your efforts to support the school and your flexibility so far this term.

Have a great week,

Mr. McGrath

Key Dates

14th September: Preschool staggered start begins

17th September: Year 4-6 iPad at home webinar #1

18th September: iPads in Year 5 and 6 sent home

21st September: Year 4-6 iPad at home webinar #2

21st September: Breakfast club begins

23rd September: Phonics webinar (am)

24th September: Phonics webinar (pm)

25th September: iPads sent home in Year 4

1st October: Maths parents webinar (am and pm)

21st October: METs shared with families

23rd October: End of half term

Stories from across the school

Our new reception children in Aqua and Sky class have settled in so well. We have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know them and helping them to explore their learning environments.

It has been great to see our Key Stage Two children quite literally getting back into the swing of things! They have proved yet again how resilient they are by taking on new challenges in our adventure playground.

This academic year we continue to promote the importance of reading for enjoyment. The benefits of regular reading for pleasure are significant and last well into adulthood. Throughout the school we have set up reading spaces for children and each class has been provided with new, engaging books for children to select from.

How to contact us