30th September

Update from Mr. McGrath

Dear all,

Autumn is truly here! I had a great walk along the Capital Ring to Highgate this Saturday and it was delightful to see the leaves turning and to marvel at the spread of fallen conkers. Dodging the rain was less fun but it is all part of our lovely seasonal shift. I hope you all had a chance to get out and about this weekend.

Last week at school saw myriad trips and exciting activities for the children. Our commitment to enriching and developing the children's curriculum was showcased through the Countryside Live visit for years two and five, the start of the English Speakers Union debate club in year five and the exciting opportunity to visit the British Museum for year three.

This Monday saw the start of our weekly visits to Dalston library which will allow all children from year one to six to visit the library across the term. This is perfectly timed as next week is National Libraries Week. School will be running a series of events across the week to celebrate both our local libraries and our own school library. We are looking for volunteers to come and share stories with the children in our school library next week so if you would like to come in and share a favourite story with the children then please contact me via the school office.

Before we get to National Libraries Week however, Shacklewell is going to be celebrating this week's National Poetry Day, which is on Thursday 3rd October. Children will be invited to share poetry with their classmates, hear poems from their teachers and to create entries in their reading albums, celebrating their favourite poems.

Congratulations are in order this week as we can proudly confirm that all of the school councillors have been elected. This prestigious role in school is one of great responsibility and the children are eager to get started. This year their key aims include continuing the legacy of the sustainability project, ensuring that our school playground is exciting and developing strong links between the parent council and school council.

If you have any questions about the bulletin or anything else, do not hesitate to contact me at school.

Have a great week,


Key Dates

Monday 30th September - Year 5 Bikeability - all week

Monday 30th September - 2S visit Dalston Library

Wednesday 2nd October- ESOL class sign up - 9.00am-11.00am

Thursday 3rd October- Poetry Day

Friday 4th October - Shacklewell Families EGM

Friday 4th October - 3S Sharing Assembly

Friday 4th October - Reception Reading Breakfast

Friday 4th October - Nursery & 2YO Welcome breakfast

Friday 4th October - Year 2 trip to Sutton House

Monday 7th October- Libraries Week begins

Monday 7th October- 2W visit Dalston Library

Friday 11th October - 2S Sharing Assembly

Friday 11th October - Year 1 Reading Breakfast

Friday 11th October - Reception,Year 1 & 2 performance workshops

Monday 14th October - METs parent/carer drop in

Monday 14th October - 6S visit Dalston Library

Thursday 17th October - Years 3 & 4 Maths Mastery parent session

Thursday 17th October- Year 3 & 4 trip to Southbank Centre

Thursday 17th October - Federation Sports Day

Thursday 17th October - Year 6 trip to London Mosque

Friday 18th October - 6W Sharing Assembly at 10am

Friday 18th October - NSPCC assembly and Yr 5 & 6 workshop

Friday 18th October - Year 2 Reading breakfast

Friday 18th October - Year 1 trip to Science Museum

Friday 18th October- End of term- School closes at 3.30pm

Our Curriculum

We have been so busy this week enriching our curriculum with experiences both in and out of the classroom. All year groups are now studying a history topic within their curriculum lessons, which will be our whole-school focus for the rest of the half term.

Year 3 visited the British Museum on Friday to investigate artefacts from the Stone Age and Iron Age collections. The children used their historical inquiry skills to discover what the objects were used for and found that the tools and weapons of the time became increasingly sophisticated and effective. It was an excellent opportunity for the children to see first hand the objects they will be studying in their history lessons this term, and help to deepen their understanding of the period.

Year 2 will be visiting Sutton House this week to support their history topic, People of the Past. They will be finding out about significant historical figures related to Black History Month.

There are a wealth of museums and historical places of interest in Hackney and wider London. You can support your child in history by visiting museums and galleries that link to their learning. You could visit the library and borrow non-fiction texts related to the topic and encourage them to create something from their maker mat.

Speaking to your child about changes over time is really beneficial, for example how their childhood differs from their grandparents or how the local area has changed in your living memory. This discussion will give your child a clearer understanding of chronology and how things change and develop over time.


This week our reading spotlight shines on the great work taking place in our reception classes. The children have been busy learning a new sound every day and now they know enough sounds to begin to try to read words.

The staff in reception are dedicated to helping the children learn to blend sounds to read words and the children love practising their new skills. The daily phonics lessons are giving children a brilliant start on their path to becoming readers.

If you would like to help your children practice their sounds at home then Read Write Inc produce brilliant 'at home kits' for you to use. They also have excellent videos on their website that give you help and advice on supporting your child to learn to read.

Ultimately our aim is to get every child reading as soon as they are ready so that they can not only listen to stories but also read stories for pleasure themselves. We share stories in our classes every week, right through from our two year old provision to year six. Our new library is helping to reignite a passion for story time in all of our classes.

To celebrate and promote the importance of reading together we are beginning a course of 'reading breakfast' sessions for each year group. This begins on Friday for our reception families. We will provide a range of stories for you to read with your children but please feel free to bring any favourites from home that you would like to share too.

Sharing stories at home is incredibly important and we appreciate the time and energy our families put in to enjoying stories together. Don't forget, we have a list of recommended reads on our Love Reading for Schools web page.

Thank you to all the families that have donated any unwanted children's books to the school, the librarians are enjoying categorising and sorting through the titles. If you still have books you would like to donate then just drop them around to the school office.

Shacklewell Families

Shacklewell Day

We raised £352- not bad for a couple of hours!

Thank you to everyone who came to Shacklewell Day on Friday. It was so great to see some new faces. We hope you had fun and enjoyed this sharing of culture and community. We had some fantastic food contributions as usual so thank you to very one who brought a dish. Also a very special thank you to everyone who volunteered at this event. Finally, thank you to the P.E staff for running some great outdoor activities.



Friday 1 November 5.00pm-7.00pm

Get your scary outfits ready… not long until our Halloween event.

We will have spooky games, crafts and food, all set up and run by volunteer parents/carers. If you have any ideas for games or crafts and think you could spare the time to run an activity, then please get in touch. We will also need help in the kitchen so if you fancy being part of our fab kitchen team then let us know. We always need more people to serve food!

Contact us: info@shacklewellfamilies.com

Key Dates

  • Friday 27 September - Shacklewell Day 3.30-5pm

  • Friday 4 October - EGM elections

  • Friday 11 October - planning

  • Friday 1 November - Fright Night 5-7pm

  • Friday 6 December- Christmas Fair 3.45 - 5.45pm

  • Friday 27 March - Easter/Spring Fair 3.45 - 5.30pm

  • 17 May - Hackney Half. Launch Go Fund Me Campaign on 26 April

  • 27 June - Summer Fair


EGM - This Friday 4 October- 9.00am

We will be voting in a new Chair. We have 2 candidates who would like to Co-Chair- Anna Pilch & Emily Smerdon Aubin.

If you would like to vote then either come to the meeting, or email your vote by proxy to: info@shacklewellfamilies.com

A New Secretary

Our Secretary left in July and we’re desperate for a new one. Contact us on the email address below for more information. We need you ASAP!