28th October

Update from Mr. McGrath

Dear families,

It is great to be back for another action packed term. I hope your break was restful and that you were able to dodge the rain showers and get out and about. I was able to catch up with friends and family and really enjoyed being in London. It has been refreshing to hear how families have capitalised on the local area to entertain their children over the break including trips to the Dalston Eastern Curve Garden, the Rio Cinema and to Hackney Downs.

This term will be filled with excitement because of our new topics, the great trips planned and of course the pantomime at the end of the term. The children across the school will be focusing on their science learning this half term. Children will be investigating diverse topics including space, forces and how our bodies work. However, as part of our policy of review and reflection, they will be expected to recall key skills and knowledge about their history learning from last term. This half term's knowledge organisers and curriculum leaflets will be with you by Wednesday. Please study these documents carefully so you know what to expect for your child, including expectations for homework and which days to wear P.E kit.

A significant event for families this half term is our Parent Consultations which are taking place on the evening of 28th November 2019. Parent Consultations provide a fantastic opportunity for families to discuss their child's progress and strategies that can support them further. It is also an opportunity for families to share any concerns they may have. We will be sharing the booking details in the coming weeks so please be sure to confirm an appointment as soon as you can.

On the final day of last half term I had the privilege of meeting with the Parent Council. It was a very productive meeting and items discussed included the new school menu, the introduction of 'Meat Free Mondays', the refinement of the school's curriculum and the legacy of the sustainability project. Detailed minutes will be shared soon but in the meantime if you have any questions for Rachel, the chairperson of Parent Council, then please contact her via email.

One final comment from me this week is regarding the use of electronic devices for home learning. Children in Year 1 and Year 2 are not required to use iPad or any other digital device to complete their home learning. It may be a suggestion on their maker mat but this is not mandatory and any of the other, non electronic pieces of creative home learning can be completed instead. In Year 3 - Year 6 children may be referred to Google Classroom or Times tables Rockstars to complete their home learning but this does not require an extended amount of screen time- no more than 15minutes. If you have any questions then please do not hesitate to contact me at school.

I look forward to seeing you all in and around school this week,


Key Dates

Wednesday 30th October - EYFS story sacks at 9am

Friday 1st November - 5W Sharing Assembly at 10am

Friday 1st November - Reception to Year 6 Nasal Flu immunisations

Friday 1st November - Fright Night at 5pm

Friday 1st November - Year 3 Reading Breakfast at 8.45am

Wednesday 6th November - EYFS story sacks at 9am

Wednesday 6th November - Publisher visiting Year 2

Thursday 7th November - Years 3 & 4 Maths parent workshop

Friday 8th November - Individual and sibling photos

Friday 8th November - 4W Sharing assembly at 10am

Friday 8th November - Year 4 Reading breakfast at 8.45am

Monday 11th November - Year 3 swimming starts for 2 weeks

Wednesday 13th November - EYFS story sacks at 9am

Wednesday 13th November - Reception parents maths info session

Thursday 14th November - Parent workshops - online safety

Friday 15th November - 2W Sharing assembly at 10am

Friday 15th November - 4S trip to Tate Britain

Friday 15th November - Friendship Friday lunch

Friday 15th November - Year 5 Reading Breakfast at 8.45am

Tuesday 19th November - 6S trip to British library

Wednesday 20th November - EYFS story sacks at 9am

Thursday 21st November - Year 6 Come Learn With Me at 9am

Friday 22nd November - 1W Sharing assembly at 10am

Friday 22nd November - 4W to Tate Britain

Friday 22nd November - Year 6 Reading Breakfast at 8.45am

Tuesday 26th November - 6S trip to British library

Wednesday 27th November - EYFS story sacks at 9am

Thursday 28th November - Parent consultations

Friday 29th November - 3W Sharing assembly at 10am

Tuesday 3rd December -5S trip to British Library

Wednesday 4th December - 5W trip to British Library

Thursday 5th December - Year 5 Come Learn With Me at 9am

Friday 6th December - Dentist in for Reception and Year 1

Friday 6th December - 1S Sharing Assembly at 10am

Friday 6th December - Christmas Fair at 3.45pm

Tuesday 10th December - Pantomime for Nursery and Reception

Tuesday 10th December - Christmas lunch

Wednesday 11th December - Year 2 Multi Skills festival at 12pm

Thursday 12th December - After School Clubs finish

Friday 13th December - Years 1 to 6 to Pantomime at 12.30 to 5pm

Friday 13th December - Christmas Jumper Day

Tuesday 17th December - Christmas Performance

Thursday 19th December - School closes at 2pm for Christmas holidays

Monday 6th January - INSET day - School closed

Tuesday 7th January - School opens

NSPCC Speak out Stay safe

On Friday 18th October, NSPCC made a welcome return to our school to ensure our pupils have the knowledge and understanding they need to stay safe through delivery of their Speak out Stay safe programme.

Through child-friendly, interactive sessions and workshops, specially trained NSPCC staff and volunteers provided our children with information they need in order to keep themselves safe from harm and what to do if they have any worries.

By the end of the visit, the children felt empowered, knowing how they can speak out to keep safe. The NSPCC have a number of child-friendly materials to help you to carry on the conversation with your child at home. One resource is 'Talk PANTS', a guide using the rule of PANTS to teach children that their body belongs to them and them alone.

If you would like to know more about the NSPCC's work , or to take a look at the wide range of information and advice which is available for parents and carers, please visit their website.


The autumn term has been absolutely full to bursting with a love of reading. From meeting a real life author to having teachers and leaders share stories in assemblies, we have worked really hard to demonstrate to children that reading is a skill for life and is not just something you do in your class with your teacher. We want our learners to see that everyone is and can be a reader.

To that end, our reading breakfast program will begin for KS2 this half term. We hope to see lots of families coming along to share stories before the start of the school day. You can check your child's date on the calendar above. This Friday it is the turn of Year 3 families and we cannot wait to see you all there.

Now we are back for the second part of the autumn term we will be continuing to look at our reading albums and the ways in which children are using these to show their reading journey. We will also be working on some exciting projects with local authors, journalists and poets. We are really excited to begin these projects and to see the enjoyment in reading that they will deliver.

Shacklewell Families

This Friday it is Fright Night! We are still in need of volunteers to help in the kitchen, or with crafts and activities. If there are any parents or carers out there who would like to dress up as a zombie and be part of our Haunted Trail we would love to hear from you! Any amount of time you can offer is really appreciated.

We are also looking for sweets donations to use as some prizes on the night. There is a be a box in the Community Room where you can drop them off.

If you would like to contribute any baked items to sell on the night that would be wonderful! Please remember they cannot contain any nuts or sesame seeds.

For any more information please email info@shacklewellfamilies.com or you can grab Anna or Emily, the new Co Chairs of Shacklewell Families, for a chat in the KS1 playground at drop off/pick up.

Have a great week and we look forward to seeing you all for a spook-tacular Fright Night!

Key Dates

  • Friday 1 November - Fright Night 5-7pm

  • Friday 6 December- Christmas Fair 3.45 - 5.45pm

  • Friday 27 March - Easter/Spring Fair 3.45 - 5.30pm

  • 17 May - Hackney Half. Launch Go Fund Me Campaign on 26 April

  • 27 June - Summer Fair