23rd September

Update from Mr. McGrath

Dear all,

last week seems to have flown by! The entire school was alive with learning- a walk into the school hall for Year 6 suddenly became a Mayan adventure with NowPressPlay, Year 3 recreated the process of fossilisation and the children in Reception took advantage of the weather and relocated their learning out into the sunshine. We had a well needed pause on Friday when the children in Year 2 paired up with the children in 6S and shared stories together.

Last week after school clubs were back with a vengeance. The children were able to access a huge array of activities from cooking to climbing and art to aerobics. A huge thank you to Bev for her hard working organising such creative and interesting opportunities. The pick up organisation for clubs will continue to be from the side gate in the key stage 2 playground, but after half term we will revert to using the main entrance.

As mentioned previously, an increasing number of trips and visits are planned for this academic year, including this week's trips to Countryside Live and the British Museum. In order for the trips to be a success, we need your help. We are looking for parents and carers who are able to spare some time during the week and wouldn't mind supporting classes from across the school. The more families who can help, the more opportunities we can offer the children. Please complete this quick survey to let us know your availability.

It has been fantastic to see so many children thinking of creative ways to showcase their love of books and stories in their reading albums. This week we are focusing on their ability to talk and recall their favourite stories, using a combination of words and pictures. Please support your children to complete a page or two in their journal each week, and remember to take them to the library so they can experience a wide range of texts.

One final thing to draw your attention to is the upcoming ESOL class sign up. These classes are free to attend and perfect for those families who have English as an additional language. Please come along on 2nd October between 9.00am and 11.00am to find out more. Otherwise speak with the team in the office.

Have a fantastic week!

Key Dates

Wednesday 25th September - Countryside Live trip - Years 2 & 5

Thursday 26th September - Countryside Live trip - Years 2 & 5

Friday 27th September - 4S Sharing Assembly

Friday 27th September - Shacklewell Day at 3.30pm

Monday 30th September - Year 5 Bikeability - all week

Wednesday 2nd October- ESOL class sign up - 9.00am-11.00am

Friday 4th October - Shacklewell Families EGM

Friday 4th October - 3S Sharing Assembly

Friday 4th October - Reception Reading Breakfast

Friday 4th October - Nursery & 2YO Welcome breakfast

Friday 4th October - Year 2 trip to Sutton House

Friday 11th October - 2S Sharing Assembly

Friday 11th October - Year 1 Reading Breakfast

Friday 11th October - Reception,Year 1 & 2 performance workshops

Monday 14th October - METs parent/carer drop in

Thursday 17th October - Years 3 & 4 Maths Mastery parent session

Thursday 17th October - Federation Sports Day

Thursday 17th October - Year 6 trip to London Mosque

Friday 18th October - 6W Sharing Assembly at 10am

Friday 18th October - NSPCC assembly and Yr 5 & 6 workshop

Friday 18th October - Year 2 Reading breakfast

Friday 18th October - Year 1 trip to Science Museum

Friday 18th October- End of term- School closes at 3.30pm

Our Curriculum

Wow! We have been blown away by the maker mat homework that the children have been bringing in to share with us this week. From writing our names in Arabic in year 6 to the incredible Roman mosaics and shields in year 4 and the creative collages and self portraits in Reception, we are so impressed by the learning that is happening across the school. The children are continuing their excellent efforts in their curriculum learning and have been producing incredible outcomes. The teachers have been testing the children's knowledge by using a range of retrieval exercises to deepen understanding of the topics covered.

Our amazing after school club programme returned last week, with the children enjoying a wealth of activities including stand up comedy, sports, music and science. We are looking forward to the children developing their knowledge and skills in these areas and having a lot of fun along the way.

We have created displays in our shared spaces dedicated to some of the most famous landmarks in the UK. Spend time looking at maps with your children and pointing out the location of some of these landmarks, it is a great way to strengthen their geographical and cultural awareness of the country in which they live.


This week I am pleased to announce that we have appointed ten Key Stage Two children to become librarians. There were so many brilliant applicants- it was very difficult to select the team! Congratulations to Amira, Temi, Patrick, Charlie, Anastasis, Liam, Matteo, Joel, Sarah and Neve. We are going to get busy organising the books and ensuring all classes know how to return these throughout this week.

It has been wonderful to hear so many children talking about the books they have enjoyed reading as they create their reading albums. Giving children time to talk about books they enjoy and to share books can really help motivate them to read more. I was especially pleased to see our year six children doing this with year two this week. The older children read stories with the younger ones with an enthusiasm that impressed us all.

Finally I would like to share with you a link to a great competition run by the library and information association (CILIP) and LEGO. Inspired by the theme 'libraries in a digital world' the CILIP are interested to know what young people think a library of the future would look like. They are asking participants to use LEGO to design a library of the future and to share a photo of the design on Twitter or via an email. Do tag us in the designs too as we would love to see them!

Shacklewell Families



A celebration and sharing of cultures at Shacklewell.

Share your culture and RAISE MONEY for our school through food.

Food we will have so far includes;

Somalian, Scandinavian, American, Mexican and more but we still need

● West African food

● Caribbean food

● French, Italian, Polish and other European food

There will also be a prize for best dressed for the person wearing a traditional cultural outfit.Wear cultural dress from your own, or any culture

If you think that you would like to contribute food, volunteer on the day, or generally be involved then please contact us: info@shacklewellfamilies.com

All food to be brought to school by 3pm on Friday. Ensure it is clearly labelled and remember to collect your dishes/containers after the event or from the Community room the following Monday. Please remember: No nuts, sesame seeds, or products containing these items. Thank you for helping us take care of our children with allergies.

Key Dates

DATE CHANGE! Scheduled EGM on 20 September is now Friday 4th October - Election to be held for a new chair and Secretary!

  • Friday 27 September - Shacklewell Day 3.30-5pm

  • Friday 4 October - EGM elections

  • Friday 11 October - planning

  • Friday 1 November - Fright Night 5-7pm

  • Friday 6 December- Christmas Fair 3.45 - 5.45pm

  • Friday 27 March - Easter/Spring Fair 3.45 - 5.30pm

  • 17 May - Hackney Half. Launch Go Fund Me Campaign on 26 April

  • 27 June - Summer Fair



Our Secretary left in July and we’re desperate for a new one. Contact us on the email address below for more information.


Naomi, our current chair, is stepping down. To find out more about the role please contact us on the address below. We need replacements ASAP so if you have a bit of time and great communication skills then it could be for you!

We will be voting in both roles at our EGM on the 4th October, so please get in touch by the end of today if you would like to run.
