18th November

Update from Mr. McGrath

Dear families,

it is with great pleasure that I write this message because I can now proudly confirm that I have been appointed to the role of permanent headteacher at Shacklewell. You will have received the letter from the Chair of the Governing Board and the Executive Headteacher on Friday outlining the process and the formal start date for this role. I am incredibly excited about the future at Shacklewell. I know that each and every learner will succeed here because as a community we are driven by enriching the children's lives and promoting their educational successes.

Thank you for the kind words I have received about my appointment as headteacher. Being the head of this amazing group of learners and teachers is the privilege of my professional life. As we move Shacklewell forward, I know I can count on all of your support. One of my key priorities is to ensure that the link between home and school continues to be strengthened- I look forward to working closely with you to maximise opportunities for the children to be successful. This week's 'Come Learn with Me' for Year 6, focused on digital technology, is a perfect opportunity for our families to come into school and learn alongside the children.

One of the most important aspects of parental involvement in school is clear lines of communication. At Shacklewell we direct our SMS communications through an app called Xpressions. This is a rapid forum for communication with the school and it is highly recommended, to avoid missing key messages. In order to access this service you must download the app from the Apple app store or Google Play- simply search for Xpressions. In order to login all that is required is the phone number and email address you have provided to the school. Once you have entered these details you will be able to set up your account and see messages from the school. The app is also designed to allow you to interact and reply to us. If you would like guidance on how to access this service please at the school office.

As you will have noticed this academic year we have been encouraging staff to bring the children's learning to life with more enriching experiences than ever before. This is something that I am passionate about because the ability to make emotional connections through lived experiences will deepen the children's learning. Last week children were able to see England win 7-0 at Wembley, script, rehearse and perform their own Anti Bullying Week play with Konflux theatre and create art work linked to their prior history learning. Coming up this week we have the first of many trips to the British Library and our second visits of the half term to Keats House and the Tate Britain.

Shacklewell is an extraordinary place and I cannot wait to shape the future of this amazing school, in partnership with you all, to provide our children the very brightest future.


Key Dates

Tuesday 19th November - 6S trip to British library

Wednesday 20th November - EYFS story sacks at 9am

Thursday 21st November - Year 6 Come Learn With Me at 9am

Friday 22nd November - 2W Sharing assembly at 10am

Friday 22nd November - 4W to Tate Britain

Friday 22nd November - Year 6 Reading Breakfast at 8.30am

Tuesday 26th November - 6S trip to British library

Wednesday 27th November - EYFS story sacks at 9am

Thursday 28th November - Parent consultations

Friday 29th November - 3W Sharing assembly at 10am

Tuesday 3rd December -5S trip to British Library

Wednesday 4th December - 5W trip to British Library

Thursday 5th December - Year 5 Come Learn With Me at 9am

Friday 6th December - Dentist in for Reception and Year 1

Friday 6th December - 1S and 1W Sharing Assembly at 10am

Friday 6th December - Christmas Fair at 3.45pm

Tuesday 10th December - Pantomime for Nursery and Reception

Tuesday 10th December - Christmas lunch

Wednesday 11th December - Year 2 Multi Skills festival at 12pm

Thursday 12th December - After School Clubs finish

Friday 13th December - Years 1 to 6 to Pantomime at 12.30 to 5pm

Friday 13th December - Christmas Jumper Day

Tuesday 17th December - Christmas Performance

Thursday 19th December - School closes at 2pm for Christmas holidays

Monday 6th January - INSET day - School closed

Tuesday 7th January - School opens

Our Curriculum

Shacklewell have made a fantastic start to their science topics during curriculum lessons. The children have been very busy building and developing their scientific knowledge and skills. The buzz and excitement during investigations and experiments has been infectious around the school.

Alongside our engaging science curriculum, the children have also had a chance to develop their art skills, practising many new techniques across various mediums. The outcomes have been truly breathtaking as you can see from the lovely images.

As per usual our gardening club and allotment have proved very fruitful. The rhubarb harvested was used in after school clubs and school lunches... rhubarb crumble is now a firm favourite here at Shacklewell!


It has been the turn of our upper Key Stage Two classes to host reading breakfasts over these past few weeks and the children have thoroughly enjoyed sharing stories with their families. We hope you would agree that our reading breakfasts have been a great success; we welcome feedback on these as we hope to make them a termly addition to our school calendar.

Our initiatives to promote a love of reading will continue in the spring term. On February 7th we are hosting a day of reading celebrations throughout the school in our first ever 'Festival of Reading'. Our plan is to offer every class either a workshop or story telling session alongside some school wide and teacher led events that will take place throughout the day.

For our reading festival to be a success we need your help! If you have any friends, relatives of colleagues that are involved in children's literature and you think they could help us to run some of our sessions then please contact the school office.