11th November

Update from Mr. McGrath

Dear families,

at Shacklewell a large part of our mission, our ethos, is to provide opportunities for children to see outside their usual experience and to enrich their lives. This week children across the school will be doing just that.

For the next two weeks the children in Year 3 will have a daily swimming lesson at the Olympic Park, an incredible opportunity and a special way of ensuring they make quick progress with their swimming skills. The children in Year 4 are going to explore the Tate Britain gallery. Whilst they are there they will be keeping an eye out for themselves because they are part of the Steve McQueen 'Year 3' project, based on class photographs they took last year. You can find out more about the project here. On Thursday some children from across Key Stage 2 will get to have an amazing experience of watching England play against Montenegro at Wembley stadium. This game is also England's 1000th ever international so a memorable game to watch!

This week it is Anti bullying Week and as a result, tomorrow is Odd Sock Day! This fun event helps the children to see that we are all individuals. It is also a good way to start conversations about how we are all different but should be treated with the same respect. Throughout the week the children will be completing several lessons, enjoying a theatre workshop created by their peers and taking part in a friendship lunch on Friday.

In conjunction with our anti-bullying week, e-safety is something we will working on this week. It has come to attention that children at school are creating and uploading videos to social media websites, including Youtube and Facebook. Whilst it is a families choice about how their children use social media we will be working with the children around not disclosing names or other sensitive information about their own or their peer's lives. If you would like to find out more about internet safety and how to have conversations with your children about staying safe online then please come along to our Internet Safety session, this Thursday morning at 9.00am.

May I take this opportunity to remind families of the importance of sending your children to school in the correct uniform. Children may wear wellington boots to school during this wet weather, but they must bring trainers to change into for school. Alongside this, children must be given a coat and jumper every day to wear in the playground. The temperature is dropping and we would like to avoid any unnecessary coughs and colds.

Looking forward to catching up with you all in the playgrounds this week,


Key Dates

Monday 11th November - Year 3 swimming starts for 2 weeks

Monday 11th November - Armistice day assembly

Tuesday 12th November - Odd Sock Day

Wednesday 13th November - EYFS story sacks at 9am

Wednesday 13th November - Reception parents maths info session

Thursday 14th November - Parent workshops - online safety

Friday 15th November - 2W Sharing assembly at 10am

Friday 15th November - 4S trip to Tate Britain

Friday 15th November - Friendship Friday lunch

Friday 15th November - Year 5 Reading Breakfast at 8.30am

Tuesday 19th November - 6S trip to British library

Wednesday 20th November - EYFS story sacks at 9am

Thursday 21st November - Year 6 Come Learn With Me at 9am

Friday 22nd November - 1W Sharing assembly at 10am

Friday 22nd November - 4W to Tate Britain

Friday 22nd November - Year 6 Reading Breakfast at 8.30am

Tuesday 26th November - 6S trip to British library

Wednesday 27th November - EYFS story sacks at 9am

Thursday 28th November - Parent consultations

Friday 29th November - 3W Sharing assembly at 10am

Tuesday 3rd December -5S trip to British Library

Wednesday 4th December - 5W trip to British Library

Thursday 5th December - Year 5 Come Learn With Me at 9am

Friday 6th December - Dentist in for Reception and Year 1

Friday 6th December - 1S Sharing Assembly at 10am

Friday 6th December - Christmas Fair at 3.45pm

Tuesday 10th December - Pantomime for Nursery and Reception

Tuesday 10th December - Christmas lunch

Wednesday 11th December - Year 2 Multi Skills festival at 12pm

Thursday 12th December - After School Clubs finish

Friday 13th December - Years 1 to 6 to Pantomime at 12.30 to 5pm

Friday 13th December - Christmas Jumper Day

Tuesday 17th December - Christmas Performance

Thursday 19th December - School closes at 2pm for Christmas holidays

Monday 6th January - INSET day - School closed

Tuesday 7th January - School opens

Our Curriculum

It has been wonderful to see the curriculum in action this week. Year 2 have been sorting materials based on their properties and have been impressing us with their wide and varied scientific vocabulary. Year 6 have conducted an investigation to find out how rainbows are formed - they replaced rain drops for water and the sunlight with torches to create miniature rainbows in the playground. Year 4 have been exploring how humans work and have plans to recreate the digestive system in their classrooms and year 3 have been finding out about forces, testing everyday objects to see if they are magnetic!

We are enriching our curriculum through extra curricular trips and visits, and are so excited for our busy visits schedule up until the Christmas break. Our year 5 children have an amazing opportunity this week to attend a screening of the BFG and then hear a talk and be involved in a discussion with a representative from the special effects company Artem who helped to create the film. These visits help to open the children's eyes to the world of work and show how their interests and talents today could lead to their future career.

We have our first art afternoon of the half term this week where the whole school will be creating artwork relating to our previous topics. The purpose of the art afternoon is not only to ensure that the children are developing their artistic knowledge and skills but also to revisit and embed the knowledge from their history topic before half term. Keep your eyes peeled for Stone Age axes and Mayan inspired art coming home at the end of the week!

Shacklewell Families

Key Dates

  • Friday 6 December- Christmas Fair 3.45 - 5.45pm

  • Friday 27 March - Spring Fair 3.45 - 5.30pm

  • 17 May - Hackney Half. Launch Go Fund Me Campaign on 26 April

  • 27 June - Summer Fair