Friday 12th October

Update from Mr. McGrath

This week at Shacklewell has been full of high points! We have welcomed visitors from across the world, celebrated our fantastic learning with digital technology and excelled at the Federation Sports Day at Finsbury Park.

I was filled with an enormous sense of pride yesterday at Federation Sports Day, watching the sheer grit and determination of the children. It was amazing to see how, even when things weren't always going their way they dug in and pushed that little harder. It all paid off in the end as Shacklewell secured second position, a well deserved result!

Our children have had the opportunity to make connections with children from Spain this week. We hosted 10 children and their teacher as part of the Erasmus+ project. The children at Shacklewell practiced their Spanish while the children from Spain learnt how we use iPads and robotics within the curriculum.

Fed Sports Day
Year 2

This week in Year 2 has been action packed. The children in 2W have had the opportunity to visit the British Museum to study more about their IPC topic, Time Detectives. They examined strange artefacts and developed their understanding of the past. 2s will get a chance to experience this excitement next week.

The children across Year 2 have also shared parts of their home learning during show and tell. This is helping to build the relationships between classmates to continue our focus on the Know Me Before You Teach Me project.

This Wednesday Shacklewell thought carefully about World Mental Health day. Our children used videos prompts in assembly to understand their role in helping themselves and their friends to regulate their emotions. The conversations and ideas coming from the children were incredibly thoughtful and a clear sign that as a community we know how to talk about mental health.

The parents also learnt more about our wellbeing project during the parent session on Wednesday morning. Our CAMHS team member Hannah shared the role she will play in school and how the children and teachers will benefit from having her on site each week. If you were unable to attend, then a selection of the key messages are in the slideshow.

WAMHS information bulletin

This morning was the very first parent council meeting of the year. It was excellent to talk through successes of the school's first half term and to reflect on somethings to adapt for the half term ahead. Thank you to all those parents who give their time to support this incredibly important part of our school community.

Finally we have a special plea from the EYFS team. If you have any Duplo at home that you aren't using then please could you drop it into the office. This will help the children in their construction work and we would really appreciate your support.

Have a restful and enjoyable weekend,


Digital Learning

Dutch Visitors

This week we were joined by a team of teachers from the Netherlands. They had travelled all the way to Hackney because they had heard how amazing our learning is at Shacklewell.

The children did an absolutely amazing job showcasing how they use digital technology to develop their learning. The visitors were able to see iPad, Now Press Play and VR headsets in action. They also received a crash course in Google Classroom and heard about our journey with technology.

The visit was such a success, the visiting teachers wanted to apply for a job!

Dr. Bike

Continuing to build on our successes as a Gold accredited school, Dr Bike is with us from 8.30am - 10.00am on Thursday 18th October carrying out free bike checks, minor repairs and providing cycling TLC! Their will also be a delicious Bikers Breakfast served for anyone who brings their bike to the fixed.

Funding is courtesy of Hackney Sustainable Transport and demonstrates our ongoing commitment to encouraging active travel and championing road safety! Look forward to seeing you there.

Are you interested in a career in teaching ? We are looking for passionate and inspiring trainee teachers to join our School Direct Teacher training route in September 2019.

In partnership with UCL / Institute of Education we offer all of our trainee teachers the unique opportunity to work and learn in a range of exciting and innovative primary schools. If you think you have what it takes to make a difference, please search for us on UCAS under Grazebrook Primary School. If you would like more information or have any questions and would like to contact us directly then please do at or click here.

Shacklewell Families

Shacklewell Day success!

Thanks to everyone who helped and to all the families that came along to support and enjoy the event we made £468.89!

It was so nice to see some new faces and for new families to be involved in the event. Thank you!

We received some fantastic food, had some fab live music on the stage as well as our own in-house DJ! And many of you helped tidy up at the end which made a huge difference.

A big thanks to the school leadership team, to Bob & Junior, and to the office staff for their continued support during our events.

Winkworth Estate Agents have agreed to sponsor our Christmas fair this year. Winkworth will pay £20 for each estate agent boards outside a home. We are looking to get 50 boards up which means = £1,000 for the children just by hosting boards.

You don’t have to do anything except tell us if you are happy to host a board & give us your address. To sign up just email with your name & address.