ELL Power English 7 and 8

Power English is a class designed for ELL students to primarily preview and review content in mainstream academic classes like math and science as well as develop and practice essential student skills that are necessary to become an independent learner such as organization, self advocacy, and study skills.

Students will also continue to learn English through the four domains: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Students will have opportunities to practice communication and essential academic language skills such as: active listening, paraphrasing, and asking clarifying questions to their peers in small discussion groups.

Class Objectives/Goals:

  1. Preview and review core class content as a large group, small group, or individual.

  2. Develop and practice essential students skills: this includes organization and studying

Daily Class Agenda:

1. Do Now

2. Check in on homework or other assignments

3. Participate in a “mini lesson”/review concepts in mainstream classes

4. Independent work/independent reading