3.5 Place: A Physically Virtual

By nature, humans desire interactions. The built environment is assembled of a spatial hierarchy that influences our engagement. Our 'first place' is the home, the 'second place' is work, and the 'third place' is social gathering environments. With the rise of the internet, the online web has become our 'fourth place'. I desire to explore the relationship between the 'third' and 'fourth' place in the context of the retail landscape. The definition of the 'third place' - in this case, retail locations - is shifting from a place of solely purchasing goods and services to a place of experiencing a brand, everything from its identity, history, and values. Retailers have been emphasizing this experience through the creation of a playground-like program that guarantees consumers an out-of-the-world shopping experience by providing vibrant aesthetics perfectly configured for the Instagram square. The key word behind this shift is "experience", but there is still a gap of ambiguity that does not address the underlying psychological, cultural, and social needs of consumers of all ages that desire an escape outside of their regular routine. This thesis proposes a design program that will act as a '3.5 place' - the in-between space - that gives various retail brands the opportunity to immerse users in a physically-virtual world by accentuating the multi-sensory experience for intense encounters.


3.5 Place Within the Retail Landscape

'3.5 Place' is a physically virtual space within the retail landscape designed as an intervention in fitting rooms to act as a bridge between our physical 'third place' and the online 'fourth place'. It is designed with the intention to provide customers with a heightened sensory experience. The combination of a 360 degrees mirror and LCD screen, accompanied by customizable audio and lighting will enhance the user's fitting room experience by creating their own personal runway while also giving brands the opportunity to market their collections reflective of their seasonal runway shows.

3.5 Place Thesis Book

The most powerful tool at the disposal of retail locations and that e-commerce retailers cannot replicate is the physical store's ability to engage shoppers' human dimension through their five senses. For retailers, shedding light on the power of multi-sensory engagement by providing a visually dominant store atmosphere offers shoppers a more appealing experience of the retail setting. Customers who are engaged through the heightened sensory experience in the store spend more time there and are more likely to make purchases. The key is to build a multi-sensory experience in retail that triggers an emotional response before the conscious, cognitive and rational parts of the brain kicks in. Brands operate in the emotional space and communicating that consistently across all the senses will cement the brand in customers' memories. Apart from eateries, public entertainment venues, and public parks, retail stores are among the various places people seek to visit when roaming their neighborhood for respite from their mundane day-to-day schedules.


Stephanie Lee

Hello, my name is Stephanie Lee. After receiving my Bachelor of Science Degree from Cornell University, I came to The New School for my Master of Fine Arts Degree where I learned to develop my conceptual thinking and unique artistic style. My interests are design+brand strategy and graphics within the field of Interior Design.