JFK Airport For A

Post-Automobile Era

Modern airports rely heavily on automobiles. Cars are nice, but they also have a lot of negative impacts. Especially in large cities like New York, we should reconsider the importance of cars in our daily lives. Airports might be the infrastructure that require the most use of automobile, so I chose JFK airport as the target and aim to change the way people get to the airport. I want to prioritize public transports and create new ways of public transports. Using this as a threshold, I can further look into the ways of improving the whole experience of airports. The outcome will be an airport of this post automobile era, a system that is driven and inspired by public transportation, a piece of infrastructure that is not only an airport, but much more.

Final Pre.pdf

Shiheyi Xie



Name: Shiheyi Xie

Email: xshy93@hotmail.com