Verdant Pier 35

Verdant Pier 35 located in Lower East Side deals with many aspects that corresponds to the site, circulation, and the UNSDGs goals of Reduced Inequality & Life on Land. When dealing with a site that is prone to flooding, I design for the community living around the site to live their day to day life without disruptions. Therefore, I make the decision to lift up all three housing buildings through pillars and beams. In order to reduce view, noise disruptions, a green facade is installed throughout the site.

The housing and library are located in the areas with the most sun exposure for the inhabitants to have the maximum quality of living. Some of the programs buildings are designed to be recessed on certain levels for all of the programs to have views outlooking the beautiful river that most New Yorkers would describe this experience as a luxury. The public area are designed to be closer to the FDR Drive, in order to have a clear circulation between the people living in my housing, and the rest of the New York, while the more private areas closer to the peaceful East River.

Verdant Pier 35

A Green Living

Verdant Pier 35 Book PDF

Verdant Pier 35 Book.pdf

Pradnya Paramitha Putri

Architecture design student from Indonesia. I have lived in New York City for four years to pursue my studies in Parsons School of Design. I'm interested in exploring more about Architectural and Interior Design.


Name: Pradnya P Putri (Anya)


PhoneNumber: 6464691490


AnyaPutri Resume.pdf