
Project Description

My project explores the politics of the majlis, a traditional men's only sphere that is leveraged to create power over women within the MENA region. Operating against the gender-exclusive program, my project reframes the majlis as a space that provides women with the freedom and privacy to enact agency. By providing alternate family structures through the program, the space operates against the current limitations of Arab society as reinforced through the process of defining kin. By designing the program as a support system, with childcare, education, and mental health services, she will feel empowered to focus on herself. Using the majlis as a social, political, and cultural starting point, this space not only provokes existing gender dynamics, but also creates an atmosphere of warmth and safety which allows her to feel a certain sense of awareness, and hence the freedom to be.

Project Presentation PDF


Design Process

Final Design

Thesis Presentation1.pdf

Project Book PDF

Design Philosphy

Photo Exploration

Annotated Biblography

Historical Precedents


Thesis Project Book.pdf

Hanouf AlFehaid

I am originally from Kuwait, but I've lived my entire life in Morocco. These life experiences, and exposure to different cultures, are what directly inform my research and design practices. My design philosophy is a reaction to the established conventions. I aim to challenge the existing constraints that define interior design and architecture as separate to create spaces with a focus on scale which uses the dome as a starting point.* Inspired by the warmth and safety of the womb, sculpted domed spaces create an atmosphere which allows the human to feel a sense of awareness, and hence the freedom to be.


Name: Hanouf AlFehaid


Phone Number: 646.895.1756


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