Project Description //

Our world in the near future, will be dominated by individualism. I was investigating the relation between architecture, interior architecture and psychological status of residents and users. I decided to identify significant factors of architecture like identity, privacy, safety, health concern, open space, aesthetics and functionality. The goal of this project is to sustain the psychological well-beings of occupants by designing social, environmentally friendly community to avoid individuality and bringing the sense of unity, potentially delivering the best of lifestyle and design. The hearth of this project, is to bring the sense of unity with personality and functionality in mind, combined with the best of design and architecture.

Process Work

During the design process, because of the lifestyle imposed on the inhabitants of New York, I was experiencing an immense feeling of solitude and isolation, that all made me questioned the relationship between the city and inhabitant. The questions that lead me start this project were: How does being alone frame your understanding of a community ? How can the natural elements of design frame one’s movement in space ? My starting point was to think of each program as a separate island as a different degrees of social hubs and immediately I wanted to avoid the very movement I despised: individuality. To avoid that as you can see here, I wanted to have motion as the focus and create the hearth of the community that would be the center of interaction.



plans and sections_pier35.pdf

Ayse Ecem Gunebakan

Ecem Gunebakan is interested in building on her experience and interest in designing residential, commercial and retail projects.Being born and raised in Istanbul , cradle of civilizations, where Western and Eastern cultures collide, she has developed an eye for architecture. Her education taught her to think creatively, and make connections across various disciplines. She uses those skills in her involvement within design process and create unique experiences for people. She wants to make a difference by designing places and change people’s perception of who they are and what their desires are. She is easy-going, detailed-oriented and hard-working person with an eye for originality and authenticities.


Name: Ecem Gunebakan (A-gem Goon-eh-back-ahn)


PhoneNumber: 347 420 11 61