BYOG kit is designed for children ages 6 to 10 who are interested outdoor exploration. By using sustainable materials and engaging construction methods, this product will not only inspire our next generation to be more aware of sustainability but also help children develop basic building skills and express their creativity and personality through styling their own pair of glasses. All parts are designed to enable the user to re-produce at home. The longevity of repairing and printing will attract parents’ attention.

Project Presentation PDF


Description if needed. Donec rhoncus, sem id lobortis tristique, tellus sem blandit erat, at facilisis felis sapien sagittis tellus. Maecenas at ultrices odio, a placerat nisi. Sed vehicula, arcu at posuere vestibulum, metus felis mollis sem, quis feugiat risus justo accumsan leo. Quisque tempor, nisi nec scelerisque sollicitudin, nibh tortor ultrices arcu, pretium viverra lacus lorem nec purus. Duis tempor molestie sem, ut egestas eros placerat porta. Duis pellentesque tortor ac mi viverra viverra. Sed porttitor ipsum eros, ut mollis orci congue a. Proin semper scelerisque nulla, non volutpat tellus finibus in. Maecenas feugiat cursus metus id volutpat. Nulla porta bibendum sapien ac cursus. Fusce sollicitudin et nibh sed volutpat.


Project Book PDF

Description if needed. Donec rhoncus, sem id lobortis tristique, tellus sem blandit erat, at facilisis felis sapien sagittis tellus. Maecenas at ultrices odio, a placerat nisi. Sed vehicula, arcu at posuere vestibulum, metus felis mollis sem, quis feugiat risus justo accumsan leo. Quisque tempor, nisi nec scelerisque sollicitudin, nibh tortor ultrices arcu, pretium viverra lacus lorem nec purus. Duis tempor molestie sem, ut egestas eros placerat porta. Duis pellentesque tortor ac mi viverra viverra. Sed porttitor ipsum eros, ut mollis orci congue a. Proin semper scelerisque nulla, non volutpat tellus finibus in. Maecenas feugiat cursus metus id volutpat. Nulla porta bibendum sapien ac cursus. Fusce sollicitudin et nibh sed volutpat.

AdaHu_BYOG Kit_2020.pdf

Ada Hu

Hi! My name is Ada and this is my Capstone Project: BYOG Kit. I have always been interested in the childrens’ product market and this interest of mine led to develope a project that is evolutionary in both children’s eyewear and toy market. This book records my research, design developments and final designs. Since the project was developed during a global pandemic (COVID-19), I was unable to produce as many models as I had wished. But I intend to continue this project after the pandemic is over.


Name: Ada Hu


PhoneNumber: 425-505-1535