Advisory Committee on Investor Responsibility

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The purpose of the Advisory Committee on Investor Responsibility (ACIR) is to develop strategies for incorporating consideration of social, environmental, and corporate governance (collectively "SEG") issues into the management of The New School's investments. Issues under consideration include but are not limited to: human rights, labor practices, environmental protection, equity, diversity, discrimination, and corporate disclosure. Authorized by the Board of Trustees and in alignment with university policies and procedures, the ACIR presents recommendations to the Investment Committee of the Board of Trustees on SEG issues that arise in the management of the university's endowment. The ACIR’s role is advisory, and in no instances fiduciary, which is the sole responsibility of the university's Board of Trustees.

The ACIR provides an opportunity to connect our university community in a timely conversation around socially responsible investing. To ensure a diversity of perspectives that reflects our academic community, the ACIR includes students, faculty, and staff members. The committee will approach its work with a commitment to considering broad perspectives and developing community support through education, awareness, and by creating guidelines, principles, and matrices to enhance understanding of issues relevant to the management of the university's endowment.

Meetings of the ACIR will be held during the academic year, from July 1st  through June 30th annually.  Meeting minutes, reports, and resolutions drafted by the Committee will be posted on this website. Please check back regularly for updates and information about how you can get involved.

Committee Members

Committee Chair
Teresa Ghilarducci, Bernard. L. and Irene Schwartz Professor of Economics, and Director of the Schwartz Center for Economic Policy Analysis (SCEPA) 

Leonardo Ruales, MS Political Economy
Paula M. Ante Wright, BA/BFA Architecture and Politics

Rhea Alexander, Assistant Professor of Strategic Design and Management
Jen van der Meer, Assistant Professor of Strategic Design and Management

Yasmine Davis, Manager of Restricted Funds Budgeting
Rafael Muñoz, Associate Director of the Arts

Christopher Castano, Member, Board of Trustees

Research Associate

ACIR Charter

The ACIR Charter will be added soon. 

Annual Reports


Meeting Minutes will be added once available.