Second Grade

Room 4

So we continue to add to our schedule. This week we want you to finish up with your March Memory, because believe it or not, it is time for your April Memory.

Possible Schedule of the Day

  1. Watch Duzine Announcements

  2. Morning Message and add to Monthly memory notes. Learn about Juneteenth

  3. Morning Math- one lesson

  4. New Math Learning or practice a new strategy by completing the worksheet.

  5. Take a break - Visit See Saw if you want.

  6. Nonfiction reading passages

  7. Independent reading 20 minutes (You can also do Raz-kids or other sites from the library.

  8. Take a break- Visit See Saw if you want.

  9. May Memory, April Memory, March Memory, or journal entry or Getting at the Story.

  10. Animal Characteristics Notes or Animal Research Project- Writing nonfiction of animal characteristics.

Dear Families,

As it seems that we are in this for the long haul, many of you may be searching for ways to keep your children engaged in school work each day. Here are some tips and suggestions to help you get through each day.

  1. Plan small breaks throughout the day.

  2. Plan out snack, creative time, chore time, quiet time. Write the schedule down so the kids can follow it.

  3. Know when to let go of the schedule. If it is not possible, let it go. Play a game, do a puzzle, take a walk, color or draw.

  4. Set an agenda of what needs to get done. Remember not all academic areas have to be worked on each day. We would like children to read or be read to each day. If you can do that, you have done great!

  5. Going outside and doing physical activity is part of the academic day.

  6. If emotions are running high that day, stop and do something fun or takes some space.

  7. We have loaded our web page with many different activities because everyone is working at different paces through various modes. Do not feel that you have to do it all or the same way.

  8. Send us updates, pictures, emails, questions. You are not in this alone. We are working our way through it too.

  9. Social contact is important. If you are comfortable with Google Hangouts, Face time, or Facebook Kids Messenger then put that in the schedule and set a time limit. Even using the phone to call a friend is helpful.

  10. Use Pebble-go, Raz-kids, Brain-Pop Jr, Coding, and Lalilo to have your kids work independently. Log on through Duzine's library page to get to Pebble-go, coding, and Brain-pop jr. It will work better. See the link below.

  11. Go to our library page. There are so many cool read alouds as well as virtual field trips. See the link below.