Voter Information

When will the community vote on this referendum?

The referendum vote will take place on December 11, 2018 from 6:00a.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the regular polling designations.

When do voters have to be registered in order to vote on the referendum?

Voters must be registered by November 18, 2018. Voter registration forms will be available at the High School, Middle School, Elementary School and Primary School main offices and at school events. Online registration then scroll to click on Ocean County.

Already registered?

There is no need to register again. You will be able to vote in the October 2nd referendum special election.

Are votes by Mail Ballots available?

Yes. Vote by Mail ballots are available and can be found at the Plumsted Township School District’s, Primary, Elementary, Middle and High School Main Offices or online at: All vote by mail ballots must be received by September 25, 2018 (7 days prior to the vote) Referendum Information