Ms. Sievers Class

Hello! I’m so excited to be teaching the 2nd-4th grade LLD classroom this year. I have outlined all of the key information for our class below, but please feel free to email me with any questions!



We created a classroom rule contract at the beginning of the year that all of the students contributed to making. Since we all worked together on creating the rules, we are all responsible for upholding them.


Our classroom utilizes a classroom economy. With this, students are able to earn money in the classroom that they can put towards awards at the end of each week. 

Students can earn money through classroom jobs, being a model student, and completing homework each night. 


All curriculum and learning is done on an individual basis. Students within our classroom are all learning at thier own pace, at their own level, with the goal to fill gaps in previous learning. 


Weekly Homework:

Additional homework may be assigned based on students individual needs/goals.