
¡Bienvenidos a la clase del Sr. Picallo!

Spanish 1st - 8th

ESL K5 - 8th

Don Quixote and Sancho Panza by Pablo Picasso




  My classes are designed with a strong emphasis on grammar. I use reading, writing and translation as the cornerstones of my teaching method. I believe, as the Europeans have for centuries, that language acquisition must be approached from several different perspectives simultaneously to ensure true and lasting proficiency. My students are expected to follow a disciplined and methodical approach to learning Spanish that requires a steady stream of short assignments created to keep them practicing their skills on a regular basis.


  Equally important to my methodology is a classroom environment which allows every student to study individually with the teacher to improve their particular set of skills at a challenging pace. This, in turn, demands a cordial class where mutual respect is observed at all times.


  Lastly, since language does not occur in a vacuum, I strive to provide a well-rounded inter-disciplinary curriculum of cultural lessons that provide our students with a unique perspective on the history, arts, natural wonders, religions, traditions and politics of the more-than-twenty countries that make up the Spanish-speaking world, as well as their influence on American society. Often, these lessons are incorporated directly into the language-acquisition components of the class, so both aspects of learning are reinforced.


     Please feel free to contact me with any questions. E-mail is by far the best way to reach me, and I will respond at my earliest opportunity.  


email - jpicallo@netcongschool.org 


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