Evgeny Yakovlev
Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor ), University of Essex
Safmar Associate Professor (with tenure), NES
Contact information:
Primary: University of Essex, Wivenhoe Park, Colchester
email: ei24161@essex.ac.uk
Secondary: Ulitsa Nobelya, 3 , Moscow, Russia
email: eyakovlev@nes.ru
Education: PhD in Economics, University of California, Berkeley (2012)
Research Interests: (Empirical) Health, Labor, Political, IO, Applied econometrics
Teaching: Graduate Applied Microeconometrics, Empirical IO, Behavioral Economics, Empirical Studies of Russian Economy; Undergraduate: Econometrics
The Effect of a Child Subsidy on Short-term and Long-term Fertility and its Relationship to the Housing Market (joint with I.Sorvachev)
in media: columns: RBC, Vedomosti, freepolicybriefs.org, Accounts Chamber of Russian Federation
comments: BBC, YandexZen, Kommersant, Accounts Chamber of Russian Federation
Older versions (circulated under the title "Short-Run and Long-Run Effects of Sizable Conditional Child Subsidy) IZA (DP No. 13019) LSE WP series (# 8/2019), NES working Paper #254
Presentations: NBER Public economics, UPF, UC Berkeley, PSE, Sciences Po, LSE, LSE IAG, FU-Berlin, U Chieti-Pescara, NES anniversary conference, RLMS conference, NES, NU, ISCLE Shenzhen Russian Chamber of Accounts, Econometric Society World Congress
Death Toll of Price Limits and Protectionism in the Russian Pharmaceutical Market (joint with Margarita Khvan)
Presentations: Sciences Po, City University of London, NES, HSE, AISSEC congress, EEA-ESEM Congress, WEAI meeting
In media: Novaya Gazeta ; Pharmvestnik; nes Guru ; tvRain
Are We Better or Worse Upon Reaching Retirement Age? (joint with Lorenz Kueng)
Available upon request. Presentations: NES
Economic Crises and Mortality Among the Elderly. Evidence from Two Russian Crises (joint with M.Khvan and E. Smorodenkova)
Download from IZA (Discussion Paper No. 13540), NES WP, SSRN
Presentations: NES
in media econs.online
Private Extremum Estimation, 2012, (joint with D.Nekipelov)
The Long-Run Effects of a Public Policy on Alcohol Tastes and Mortality, (joint Lorenz Kueng) 2021, American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 13(1):294-328.
earlier draft in NBER working paper 20298
online appendix: Download
in media (in Russian): Новая Газета Kommersant-Dengi; Коммерсант; Demoscope; Slon.ru; RG.ru; Republic, OTR, Opec
in media (in English ) Voxeu; Montley fool.com; New York Times; Kellogg Insight; Quartz; Newsbeat; Cooking Up a Story; Voice of America
Demand for Alcohol Consumption in Russia and Its Implication for Mortality, 2018, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 10(1):106-49.
Previous versions: Peers and Alcohol: Evidence from Russia Download
in media (in Russian): Slon.ru; RG.ru , Republic, OTR, Voice of America, Kommersant
AER chart of the week: AER
Identification, Data Combination and the Risk of Disclosure, 2018, (joint with D.Nekipelov and T.Komarova), Quantitative Economics 9 (2018), 395–440
War and Well-Being in Transition: Evidence from Two Natural Experiments, 2018, (with Gunes Gokmen), Journal of Comparative Economics, Volume 46, Issue 3, September 2018, Pages 788-799
in media: freepolicybriefs.org
K-Anonymity: A Note oh the Trade-Off between Data Utility and Data Security, (with T.Komarova, D. Nekipelov, and A.Al Rafiv), Applied Econometrics, Vol. 48, 2017, 44-62
The Unequal Enforcement of Liberalization: Evidence from Russia’s Reform of Business Regulation, Journal of European Economic Association, August 2013 11(4):808–838 (joint with E.Zhuravskaya)
winner of Russian National Award in Applied Economics
in media (in Russian): Forbes; Ведомости; Ведомости
Interest Group Politics in a Federation, Journal of Public Economics, October 2010, No. 94 (2010): pp. 730–748. (joint with S. Guriev and E.Zhuravskaya)
in media (in Russian): Профиль
Laws for Sale: Evidence from Russia, American Law and Economics Review, 2005, , vol. 7 No. 1, pp. 284-318 (joint with I.Slinko and E.Zhuravskaya)
in media (in Russian): Ведомости; Ведомости
Вызовы Системе Здравоохранения и Демографической Политике России, 2020, (with I.Denisova) in Будущее Российской Экономики (in Russian)
Estimation of Treatment Effects from Combined Data: Identification versus Data Security, 2016, NBER volume "Economics of Digitization: An Agenda" (joint with D.Nekipelov and T.Komarova )
State Capture: From Yeltsin to Putin in Corruption, Development and Institutional Design. J. Kornai, L. Matyas, and G.Roland (eds.), Palgrave Macmillian, New York, 2009 (with E. Zhuravskaya)
Effects of State Capture: Evidence from Russian Regions, Chapter 6 in Building a Trustworthy State: Problems of Post-Socialist Transition. J.Kornai and S.Rose-Ackerman (eds.), Palgrave Macmillian, 2004 (joint with I.Slinko and E. Zhuravskaya)
State Capture and Controlling Owners of Firms, World bank, background paper for the Country Economic Memorandum for Russia 2004, (joint with E. Zhuravskaya)
Alcoholism and Mortality in Eastern Europe, IZA World of Labor, http://wol.iza.org/articles/alcoholism-and-mortality-in-eastern-europe
in media: Kommersant
Alcohol Consumption and Mortality in freepolicybriefs.org download
Monitoring the Administrative Barriers to Small Business Development in Russia, with Ekaterina Zhuravskaya, Oleg Zamulin, Akhmed Akhmedov, and Oleg Schetinin
Business Environment and Enterprise Survey, 2013, for World Bank and European Bank for Development, with CEFIR team
2012: UC Berkeley, NES; Harvard HSPH, Acumen LLC, Cerge-EI; 2013: UC Berkeley, EEA, EES, NBER digitalization, RES meetings, NES; 2014: I-Care, NES, HSE, Warwick; 2015: HSE, PSE, UPF, EEA, Peking U, Mannheim U, 2016: I-Care (Essex), NBER aging, 2017: NES, 2018: PSE, UPF, UC Berkeley, NU, 2019: LSE, FU-Berlin, NES, RLMS meeting, ISCLE Shenzhen; 2020: NBER Public economics, Russian Chamber of Accounts, ESWC; 2021: ESEM, NES, 2022: Sciences Po, HSE, AISSEC, 2023: Essex, City University of London, Sciences Po, 2024: Sciences Po
AER, AER: Insights, AEJ: Economic Policy, AEJ: Applied Economics, JEBO, CESifo Economic Studies, Economic Journal, Journal of European Economic Association, Journal of Health Economics, Journal of Applied Econometrics, Health Economics, European Journal of Political Economy, Journal of Comparative Economics, Comparative Economic Studies, Public Choice, Food Policy, Prikladnaya Econometrica
RSF Grant (with Hosny Zoabi), 2018
National prize in Applied Economics, 2016
Berkeley Dean Fellowship, Berkeley International House Fellowship, 2006-2012
National Mathematical Olympiad winner (Kazakhstan), 1992
International Mathematical Olympiad, Bronze Medal Result (Member of the first National Kazakhstan Team), 1992
ИНИД Больше и точнее: зачем исследователям административные данные
Новая газета Протекционизм убивает? К чему приводит регулирование цен
Коммерсант-Наука "Что мешает Россиянам прекратить злоупотреблять алкоголем"
Новая Газета Как перестроечный «сухой закон» на десятилетия предопределил алкогольные привычки россиян
Econs Как экономика и здоровье влияют друг на друга
Ведомости Несправедливость по отношению к людям дорого обходится власти и бизнесу
Ведомости Сколько жизней заберет кризис
Ведомости Как материнский капитал повлиял на рождаемость
РБК Капитальный эффект: нужны ли стимулы для рождения первенцев
РБК Опасный акциз: как правительство отказалось от антиалкогольной политики
Forbes: Эффект Освобождения: что получил от реформ российский малый бизнес
Kommersant-Dengi Пойманы с привычным
Forbes: Лекарства для миллионов: почему новые препараты в Египте доступнее, чем в России
РБК: День трезвости: почему запрет на продажу алкоголя в пятницу имеет смысл?
Ведомости: За что дают медали
Slon Это будет завтра. К чему приведет запрет на продажу алкоголя по пятницам
CBS, BBC, Republic, NES Public Lecture Series, VTimes Podcasts, Guru Podcasts, Moscow Times, URFU, DVFU, RLMS conference
Rosstat and INID: Developing methodology and creating microsamples for the 2002 and 2010 Russian Censuses, Principal Consultant
Acumen LLC, US: Medicare and Medicaid system, Evaluation of health care policies
Country of origin: Kazakhstan
Citizenship: Russia
Married, have two sons
Languages: Russian (native), English (fluent)