
Eligible district students may participate in full-time or part-time virtual instruction programs. Students may register for MyDistrict Virtual School courses with approval from the district. You can learn more by contacting your guidance counselor or district representative

Virtual Platforms Used

Click the icon of the platform to see the Course Catalog.

Full-Time Enrollment Periods

Virtual Education with Florida school districts is a school of choice. Students who wish to participate in full-time virtual school must apply with the district and be selected to participate based on the criteria for enrollment. Once enrolled with the district, students can register for classes during the period(s) listed below. 

Contact your district representative for more information and district-specific requirements. 

First Semester

5/13/24 - 8/19/24

Second Semester

11/4/24 - 1/13/25

Full-Time Virtual School

Please contact your district representative to complete the application for full-time virtual school. Once accepted, you will be able to register for courses depending on the platform that will serve your student best. 

Part-Time Virtual School

Students who wish to take an additional course or courses along with their full-time course load at their zoned school may register for those courses using the link(s) below. A guidance counselor at your zoned school will log on to the platform and decide to approve or deny the request. It is best to speak with your guidance counselor before requesting a new course to ensure approval.