Scent Marketing

posted Thursday, October 26th by Sam Joseph Bruckner

Scent Marketing

What is scent marketing?! 

It may sound kinda stinky but scent marketing is the practice of using fragrances in order to persuade consumers, just like you, to purchase items more often and in greater amounts. It is made use of way more frequently than one would initially expect! Scent marketing is most commonly used in places like Disneyland, grocery stores, movie theaters, jewelry stores, and fast food establishments and can come in various forms such as: 

Public Transit: 

Dunkin’ Donuts paid for Sola Buses to dispense a coffee based smell through aroma atomizers which has reportedly led to a 16% increase in sales along those routes. According to Lifestyle Packaging Atomizers are, “specialist mechanisms that mix air and liquid and compress it through a small opening to transform solutions into a fine mist.” They aerate throughout the venting system of the vehicle itself. 

Scent Dispensers: 

Entire brands are dedicated to producing scents and even do custom commissions, working with major companies. 

Oven Placement within malls and shopping centers: 

Shops have been getting in trouble with tenants in these areas due to building regulations and safety concerns. Despite this, food companies leave their oven’s and other cooking implements as close to the door as regulations allow for. Laws and regulations are currently in discussion due to possible health risks posed by these relatively newly present practices. (Lane Powell

Malicious marketing can be anywhere and everywhere so WATCH OUT!

To infinity and far beyond!