Wen Hsuan Li


Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Institute of Communications Engineering

National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University

1001 Ta Hsueh Road, Hsinchu, Taiwan

Tel: Office: (03)5712121-54583

E-mail: whli@nctu.edu.tw

Brief Biography

Wen-Hsuan Li received the B.S. degree in 2011 and the Ph. D. degree in 2020, all in the department of electrical engineering from National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan. He is currently a post doctor research fellow in the institute of communications engineering from National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan. His research interests include signal processing, cooperative communication, and applied functional analysis.


  • Journal papers

  1. Wen-Hsuan Li and Jwo-Yuh Wu, “BER-improved quantization of source-to-relay link SNR for cooperative beamforming: A fixed point theory approach,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 65, no. 7, pp. 4532-4549, July 2019.

  • Conference papers

  1. Jwo-Yuh Wu, Wen-Hsuan Li, Liang-Chi Huang, Yen-Ping Lin, Chun-Hung Liu, and Rung-Hung Gau, “Deterministic coherence-based performance guarantee for noisy sparse subspace clustering using greedy neighbor selection,” The 2020 IEEE 11th Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop, Hangzhou, China, June 2020.

  2. Jwo-Yuh Wu, Wen-Hsuan Li, Liang-Chi Huang, Hau-Hsian Chan, Chun-Hung Liu, and Rung-Hung Gau, “Sparse subspace clustering with linear subspace-neighborhood-preserving data embedding,” The 2020 IEEE 11th Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop, Hangzhou, China, June 2020 (invited).

  3. Wen-Hsuan Li and Jwo-Yuh Wu, “BER-aware link SNR quantization for relay beamforming: A fixed-point theory approach,” 13th International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Systems, Surfers Paradise, Golden Coast, Australian, Dec. 2019.

  4. Wen-Hsuan Li, Jwo-Yuh Wu, Chia-Kang Hsu, and Li-Chun Wang, “Least-squares pilot sequence design for TDD massive MIMO systems under inter-cell timing misalignment,” IEEE Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications Symposium, Bologna, Italy, Sept. 2018.

  5. Kai-Yu Yang, Jwo-Yuh Wu, and Wen-Hsuan Li, “A low-complexity direction-of-arrival estimation algorithm for full-dimension massive MIMO systems,” IEEE International Conference on Communication Systems, Macau, November 2014.