Medical Imaging System Fall 2023 


這是中文課程! 歡迎大學部學生、研究生、電機與非電機類學生,對於醫療成像系統有興趣,想一窺究竟的學生選修! 本課程每個單元都會有video讓大家pre-view,上課主要希望能夠互動、多提問、課堂直接演練每個單元學到的應用!

Welcome to Medical Imaging System ! This course will start from 1:20 to 4:20 every Thursday. 

Here are some NOTES for this course. 

1. Please watch the video in 教材管理 at e3 before the class. The videos were made by Prof. Matthew O'Donnell at University of Washington. You might have A LOT of questions while watching. So bring your questions in class. We will go through the slides. 

2. For each topic, we will share the slides and classnotes at e3. Classnotes are the detailed and organized versions of the slides. 

3. Please install the MATLAB in your PC, which is licensed by the school. We need to use MATLAB for most of assignments. 

Course Information 

Code: EEIE30053 

Time/Room: R567-ED417B  

Credit:  3

Level: Undergraduate (senior), Graduate

Instructor:   Geng-Shi Jeng 鄭耿璽


  The course is provided in Chinese. The first half of this course will include fundamentals of DIRECT imaging systems, mainly ultrasound (US) and optical imaging (e.g., OCT). The second half will explore RECONSTRUCTIVE imaging modalities such as X-ray computed tomography (CT), positron emission tomography (PET), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). We will emphasize fundamental imaging principles for each modality, and discuss some advanced applications. Our goal is to provide the fundamentals of medical imaging system so that you can understand in some detail how these systems work.


  This is a highly HANDS-ON class. Please bring your laptop to every class that runs MATLAB. Each class will start by pre-viewing relevant materials (videos) on the course web site related to the imaging topic for that week. Questions related to formal material should be addressed during this period. We encourage the class is highly interactive between students and the lecturer. We will have a final project where each student needs to select a biomedical-related topic and present his/her idea. (NOTES for presentation will be provided in the first class).



Calculus, Signals and Systems, MATALB



Topic 1 – Introduction to Imaging

•   What is an image?

•   Human visual system

•   Types of imaging systems

•   Basic mathematics of multi-dimensional functions


Topic 2 – Traditional Optical Imaging

•   The Fourier transform

•   The microscope

•   Spatial resolution

•   Applications


Topic 3 – Ultrasound Imaging

•   Physical basis of acoustics

•   Ultrasonic physics

•   Basic imaging principles

•   Beamforming – diffraction from an aperture


Topic 4 – Ultrasound Imaging

•   Array imaging

•   Propagation viewed as a time delay

•   Dynamic receive beamforming

•   Overall image formation process

•   Color flow imaging


Topic 5 – Advanced Optical Imaging

•   Scanning microscopies

•   Principles of OCT

•   Time-domain OCT

•   Frequency Domain OCT

•   Swept-source OCT


Topic 6 – Radiography

•   Basics of radiation physics

•   Projection imaging

•   Sources and detectors

•   Applications


Topic 7 – X-Ray Computed Tomography (CT)

•   Multiple projections

•   Reconstructive imaging

•   Reconstruction equations

•   Contrast mechanisms

•   Applications


Topic 8 – Nuclear Medicine and Positron Emission Tomography (PET)

•   Basics of nuclear medicine

•   Projection systems


•   Contrast agents

•   PET

•   Applications


Topic 9 – Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

•   Basic physics of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)

•   Imaging principles

•   Contrast mechanisms

•   Specific imaging sequences

•   Complications

•   Advanced imaging sequences

•   Applications


  Participation: 25%

  Homework (including computer assignment): 50%

  Final project (presentation): 25%

  The grade for any late submission will be reduced by 10% for each day.

 Guide to final projection: