Iwasawa Theory
Taipei Summer School

June 25 Wednesday - June 28 Saturday, 2025

Iwasawa theory is a branch of number theory that investigates the intricate relationship between arithmetic objects and p-adic analytic functions along an infinite tower of global fields. Originally developed to study the class groups of number fields, the theory has significantly evolved over recent decades and now encompasses profound connections to Galois representations arising from elliptic curves, modular forms, and, more broadly, motives. Iwasawa theory plays a pivotal role in modern arithmetic geometry, particularly in understanding the special values of L-functions.

The Iwasawa Theory Taipei Summer School, to be held between 25th to 28th June, 2025 (a week before Iwasawa 2025), will consist of four lecture series by number theorists working in the field of Iwasawa theory. It is designed as an introduction to some foundational aspects of Iwasawa theory and some of its lines of current research.

The tentative speakers and titles of lecture series:

The summer school will take place in Chee-Chun Leung Cosmology Hall, National Taiwan University.
All lectures will be held in Room 515.

Local organizers :
Ming-Lun Hsieh (National Taiwan University and NCTS),
Kwok-Wing Tsoi (National Taiwan University).


Please note that registration is free, but required. The lecture series will be aimed at the graduate-student audience for whom the lecture series is designed. 

Financial Support : We are able to offer accommodations at a Youth Hostel (which offers male shared rooms and female shared rooms) to at most 35 of the participants of the summer school. To apply for accommodations, applicants will need to provide their research supervisor's email in the registration form - we will be in touch with their supervisors for recommendations. 

Please note that the deadline of registration is 28th February, 2025.

For further information and questions about the summer school, please contact :

Ms. Murphy Yu
游墨霏小姐 (02)33668814
Email : murphyyu@ncts.tw


Useful Maps

Map of National Taiwan University (Click to Enlarge) :