Policies Being Reviewed

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NCSU Common Board Policies Under Review:

    June 2024 Policy Notice:

  G.12 Title I Part A Comparability Policy

          G.12P Title I Part A Comparability Procedure 

          H.8 Title I, Part A Parental Involvement Policy

          H.8P Title 1, Part A Parental Involvement Procedure and School-Parent Compact

     D.12 Harassment of Employees

      D.12 Revised Principal Contact Information

     D.07 Volunteers and Work Study Students     

     B.04 Board Member Conflict of Interest

     E.7 School Crisis Prevention Policy      

     F.11P Student Attendance Procedure

     B.4 Board Member Conflict of Interest     

     D.12 Harassment of Employees

      D.1 Recruitment, Selection, Appointment, and Background Checks

D.1 Recruitment, Selection, Appointment, and Background Checks, Clean Copy

      D.28 Electronic Communications Between Employees and Students

D.28 Electronic Communications Between Employees and Students, Clean Copy     


      E.27 Electronic Communications Use and Retention

E.27 Electronic Communications Use and Retention, Clean Copy

Policy Notice April 2024

B.4 Board Member Conflict of Interest

D.7 Volunteers and Work Study Students

D.8 Alcohol and Drug-Free Workplace

D.12 Harassment of Employees

E.11 Travel Reimbursement

E.26 Tobacco Prohibition

Policy Notice November 2023

     D.28 Electronic Communications Between Employees and Students

     F. 51 Students Experiencing Homelessness

     F.53P Procedures for Implementing the Section 504 Rehabilitation Act

Policy Notice August 2023

      D.6 Substitute Teachers

         F.2 English Learners

     E.13 Fire and Emergency Preparedness Drills

     E.14 Access Control and Visitor Management

     D.12 Harassment of Employees

     F.6 Education Records

     F.18 Student Freedom of Expression in School-Sponsored Media

     F.27 Home Study Students

     H.8 Title 1, Part A Parental Involvement Policy and Procedure

    For Rescission: E.32 Visits by Parents, Community Members or Media

Policy Notice June 2023

     G.12 Title1, Part A Comparability

     F.26 Firearms

         F.2 English Learners

     D.6 Substitute Teachers and Substitute Paraeducators

Policy Notice April 2023

     F.9  Student Alcohol and Drugs     

     F.11 Student Attendance

Policy Notice January 2023

      E. 34 Nondiscriminatory Mascots and School Branding

Policy Notice December 2022    

  D.19 Non-Certified Staff

Policy Notice October 2022

      F.3 Use of Restraint and Seclusion (formerly Restrictive Behavioral Intervention)

      C.9 Notice of Non-Discrimination

      D. 10 Public Complaints About Personnel

      F.53 Section 504 and ADA Grievance Protocol for Students and Staff

      F.11 Attendance

      J.2 Communicable Disease Mitigation Measures For Students and Staff 

Policy Notice August 2022

      F.6 Education Records

      F.20 Pupil Privacy

Policy Notice June 2022

      A.01 Role and Adoption of School Board Policies

      A.01 Crosswalk: Role and Adoption of School Board Policies and Policy Development, Dissemination and Administration

      A.01 Policy Development, Dissemination and Administration

     VSBA Model Policy A30 Role and Adoption of School Board Policies

     VSBA Model Policy A31 Board Member Education

     G.01 Curriculum Development and Coordination, final

     G.01 Curriculum Development and Coordination, working version

 Policy Notice November 2021 

     H.8 Title 1 Part A Parental Involvement (Parent and Family Engagement)

     G.12 Title I Part A Comparability Compliance Policy & Procedure

     G.19 Special Education

Policy Notice November 2021

    E.2 Capitalization of Assets (Revised: formerly Fixed Assets)

    E.4 Prevention of Conflict of Interest in Procurement (Revised: formerly Employee Conflict of Interest)

    E.11 Travel Reimbursement

Policy Notice September 2021

    F. 2  English Learners

    D.28 Electronic Communications between Employees and Students

Policy Notice August 2021

   F.51 Students Experiencing Homelessness

   F.52 Equity Policy

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