About Me

I am an Associate Professor of Statistics at North Carolina State University, where I have been working since Aug 2020. I received my Ph.D. in Statistics from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in Jul 2016. From Aug 2016 to Aug 2020, I was a tenure-track Assistant Professor of Statistics at Virginia Tech

The primary theme of my research is developing formal inferential algorithms for network data and applying such algorithms to epidemiology, social sciences, and environmental health. I am also working on developing a statistical science of patient safety, focusing on adverse medical events due to human errors, medical devices, drug reactions, and radiation therapy.  See my CV below for more on my work and background.

Email: ssengup2 ''at'' ncsu.edu

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=MXM2IiUAAAAJ

Twitter: @SrijanSengupta7 


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