MGIST Digital Symposium: Virtual Preview
JOIN US IN-PERSON on Friday, May 3 at 3:00pm!
Many of our students (highlighted in green below) will be on campus to discuss their projects. The symposium is free and open to the public and will be held in the Teaching and Vizualization Lab in the James B. Hunt Library on NC State's Centennial Campus.
Each semester, students in the Master of Geospatial Information Science & Technology Program prepare digital posters to reflect their experiential learning collaboration with a variety of organizations for their capstone projects. Preview their project posters below and then plan to join us in-person on May 3.
VOTING: You are allowed ONE virtual vote and ONE in-person vote. Virtual voting closes at NOON on May 3, use the tab at the top or bottom of this page. The poster winner will be announced at the conclusion of our in-person event on May 3. The first place online vote getter automatically gets 5 'in-person votes' added to their live vote total. Second place gets 3 'in-person' votes added.

Kurt BAker
Geotab and ArcGIS Integration to
Support Real-Time Asset
Awareness and Update Status
Partner: Town of Cary, NC

Justin Erlick
Capital Investment Plan Project Overlap
Tool and Web App
Partner: City of Charlotte, NC

isabela hile
Determining Walkability to Open Space
Environments and
Underrepresented Areas
Partner: City of Glenwood Springs, CO

Katie ivins
NC State Facilities: Web App Console
with Query Report Capability
Partner: NC State University Facilities

jacob makens
Datacrafting the NREL ReEDS
Model Output
Partner: NC State University

shannon mcavoy
NCDOT Railway Inundation
Partner: WSP

rachel miller
Bureau of Land Management -
Montana/Dakotas BIL and
IRA Project Monitoring
Partner: Bureau of Land Management

taylor richardson
Spatial Recording and Inventory
Collection of NC Parks
Partner: Recreation Resource Service

andrea sato
3D Hydrography Dataset
Partner: US Geological Survey

margaret vanderford
Optimization of Geospatial Workflows
Partner: JC Raulston Arboretum

Chrysanthi violaris
Utilizing Geospatial Analyses for
Cemetery Maintenance and
Partner: City of Henderson, NC

david vorbach
Identifying Riparian Buffers in the
Upper Mississippi River Basin
Partner: Environmental Defense Fund

macy watt
Identifying Most Suitable Locations for
Migratory Bird Pitstops in
Durham County, NC
Partner: Pitstop for the Birds

reid wilson
Right of Way Layer Development
Partner: NC Dept of Transportation