Kelsey McKay


Originally hailing from Vermont, I relocated to North Carolina four years ago, driven by the opportunities offered in the biotechnology sector. I began working for bioMérieux as a contract employee and transitioned into a full-time position in February 2020.

I have a passion for learning, and I am excited to be a part of the Master of Microbial Biotechnology program at NC State University. I am particularly drawn to the MMB program for its distinctive fusion of business experience and science, a rare combination in academic offerings. While I do enjoy hands-on laboratory work, I am looking for the opportunity to pivot my career toward the business side of the biotechnology industry. 

Outside of my professional pursuits, I have a variety of hobbies centered around the outdoors. Growing up in New England allowed me to foster a love of snowboarding, hiking, and kayaking. In the summer I enjoy spending weekends at the lake.