Jason A. Delborne, Ph.D.

Professor of Science, Policy, and Society


Prof. Delborne is on scholarly reassignment (sabbatical) Aug 2023-Aug 2024. As a AAAS Science and Technology Policy Fellow, he will serve as Staff Scientist for the National Nanotechnology Coordination Office in Washington, DC.

Jason Delborne in front of an American chestnut tree in Madison, WI

I conduct research at the intersection of environmental policy, biotechnology, and public engagement, drawing upon the highly interdisciplinary field of science and technology studies (STS).  Using qualitative research methodologies, I explore how policymakers, stakeholders, and members of the public interface with emerging biotechnologies designed for environmental benefit.

List of Publications

Jason giving a lecture

As the Interim Director of the STS Program at NC State, I coordinate an undergraduate major that serves over 250 students who want to explore the intellectual and practical intersections of science, technology, and society. I also teach in the core curriculum of the Masters in Natural Resources Program and the Genetic Engineering and Society Graduate Minor.

FERSTS Group, Aug 2023

Delborne Lab (FERSTS)

The Delborne Lab (FERSTS) is an interdisciplinary group of graduate students and postdoctoral researchers focused on intersections among natural resources, science and technology policy, emerging biotechnologies, and STS. We are social scientists who frequently engage collaborators from the natural sciences and humanities to consider the governance of emerging technologies for environmental benefit.