Conservation Biology in Practice (FW 333) - Fall 2022
12.16 ... This course has ended. It will be taught in Fall 2023 and beyond by Dr Ivana Mali
Quick Links
Week 1 ... 08.22 ... Welcome ... Connecting ... Conservation Challenges
Goals for the Week
Learn about your course
Begin to get to know one another
Start understanding what we think conservation biology is and needs to be
What do you see as major conservation challenges you'd like to explore this semester?
M 08.22 ... Welcome to Conservation Biology in Practice
09:35 - 09:40 Settle in
09:40 -10:30 Introductory Activity (you doing stuff)
10:30 - 10:35 Stretch break
10:35 - 10:45 So how is this course going to work? (Hess talking)
10:45 - 11:15 Syllabus and Reflection & Evaluation comments (you doing stuff) (15min each)
11:15 - 11:20 Biggest likes and concerns about the Syllabus and Reflection & Evaluation (you talking)
11:20 - 11:25 Wrap - you have a couple assignments (Quick Links above) (Hess talking)
11:25 Adjourn
W 08.24 ... Your Course ... Connecting ... Conservation Challenges
09:35 - 09:40 Housekeeping & announcements
Time for anyone to announce anything they'd like to the class ... conservation stuff, cool accomplishments, birthdays, whatever
Survey for permission (or not) for your name and images of you to appear on public-facing websites (like this) or media (like Twitter) - would like a response from everyone
09:40 - 09:55 Where are you from? (you doing stuff)
Introductions around each table - Where are you from (where do you consider home)? Describe one thing that was awesome about growing up there. Describe one conservation need in that place.
09:55 - 10:00 Stretch break
10:00 - 10:30 Develop working definition of conservation biology (you doing stuff)
10:30 - 10:35 Stretch break
10:35 - 11:05 What interests you? (you doing stuff)
11:05 - 11:20 Report back (us talking)
11:20 - 11:25 Wrap - you have a couple assignments (Quick Links above) (Hess talking)
11:25 Adjourn
Week 2 ... 08.29 ... Influential Conservationists ... Challenges Topics
Goals for the Week
have a look at the kinds of work conservationists do
help you figure out the kind of role(s) you’re interested in with respect to conservation
start to create work teams for learning topics
begin establishing direction and evaluation criteria for our learning topics
M 08.29 ... Where do I fit in? ... Influential Conservationists
09:35 - 09:40 Housekeeping & announcements
Turnipseed Nature Preserve Service trip - W 09.14 08:00 - 11:25 - outside of class time
09:40 - 09:45 Quick, anonymous Google survey - Here are the results
09:45 - 10:05 Discussion based on readings (you talking and doing stuff)
Share where you are on the despair/hope and neocortical/limbic scales – spend time explaining why you feel as you do and what that means in terms of the role(s) (the advocacy / science scale) you’d like to play in conservation – how does where you are on the scales affect the role(s) you’d like to play?
Prepare to report major points to the full class – three minutes max with one or two slides per group in this Google Slides presentation – pick a person to represent your group – the person whose home (the place they call home) is furthest from our physical classroom (3214 Jordan Addition)
10:05 - 10:20 Key points from discussion (you talking)
10:20 - 10:25 Stretch break
10:25 - 10:55 Influential conservationists preparation (you doing stuff)
10:55 - 11:20 Lightning presentations (you talking)
11:20 - 11:25 Wrap & adjourn
W 08.31 ... Challenges Topics ... Product Evaluation
09:35 - 09:40 Housekeeping & announcements
09:40 - 10:10 - Please sit with your exploratory team (you doing stuff)
Each team has a folder in the Challenges Folder (Quick Links)
In your challenges folder is a document on Developing Strong Challenges Topics - it is a template that I'm asking you to complete during the next week to begin developing your topic.
10:10 - 10:25 Quick share - challenges, questions, comments, concerns (you talking)
10:25 - 10:30 Stretch break
10:30 - 11:00 Product evaluation criteria brainstorm (Challenges Folder / Organizational Info) (you doing stuff)
We're also going to need a task for to consolidate all of this, like we did for the definition
11:00 - 11:20 Let's have a look (us talking)
11:20 - 11:25 Wrap & adjourn
Week 3 ... 09.05 ... Labor Day Monday ... Challenges Topics Refinement
Goals for the week
Discuss any updates on syllabus
Work on challenges topic refinement
M 09.05 ... Holiday ... No Class
W 09.07 ... Challenges Topic Refinement
09:35 - 09:40 Housekeeping & announcements
09:40 - 09:55 Guests from prior classes: Cara, Reese ... plus a couple right in this class: Elizabeth, Lana
09:55 - 10:05 Discuss any changes based on your conversation
10:05 - 10:55 Pairs of challenges teams for critiques - take breaks as needed
Endangered Species (4) + Wilderness Reintroduction (10)
Exotic Pets (6) + Invasive Species (8)
Charisma (1) + Hunting (7)
Engagement (5) + Disease (2)
Conservation Justice (3) + Marine (9)
Each team reviews another team's topic statement for critique - focus epecially on the criteria for a strong research question (Item 8) in the topic development template
10:05 - 10:25 Prep time - review your partner team's topic statement and prepare comments for critique - feel free to anotate your partner team's document
10:25 - 10:45 First team critique - have an open, honest, constructive conversation about the strengths and areas for improvement
10:45 - 11:05 Second team critique
11:05 - 11:25 Individual team time for some quick planning on when to meet and how to proceed in response to critiques - would like to have a refined version for instructor review no later than W 09.14
11:25 Adjourn
Week 4 ... 09.12 ... Product Evaluation ... Turnipseed Nature Preserve Service Trip
M 09.12 ... Product Evaluation
09:35 - 09:40 Housekeeping & annoucements
Field trip on W 09.14 departs 08:00 returns by 11:25 - Weather looks good, we are Go!
We'll be working on trails, so bring clothes you don't mind soiling. The County requires long pants, closed-toed shoes for this work. If you have work gloves you like, bring them; otherwise County will have some. Bring snacks, water, sun protection, hat, and any medications you might need.
Student conservation experiences session survey - if you have a conservation experience you'd like to share with our class, please complete the form. I have 5 people so far - thinking doing one at the beginning of class scattered through the semester - does that sound OK or would you prefer all together?
09:40 -10:00 Conservation biology definition task force report and further action
10:00 - 10:30 Product evaluation criteria brainstorm (Challenges Folder / Organizational Info) (you doing stuff)
We're also going to need a volunteer task force to consolidate all of this, like we did for the definition
Endangered Species (4) + Wilderness Reintroduction (10)
Exotic Pets (6) + Invasive Species (8)
Charisma (1) + Hunting (7)
Engagement (5) + Disease (2)
Conservation Justice (3) + Marine (9)
10:30 - 10:35 Break
10:35 - 11:00 Report back and consolidation - how close to consensus can we get?
11:00 - 11:25 Challenges work time
W 09.14 ... Service Trip to Turnipseed Nature Preserve
08:00 Depart NC State 08:00 return by 11:25. We'll have a bus. See picture above - bus will meet us on Sullivan Drive just west of Dan Allen on the parking apron at the Food Bioprocessing building.
Driving yourself? Please be in the parking lot at 1505 Pleasants Road, Wendell, NC no later than 08:30. Remember, the University does not insure you when driving your personal vehicle (see syllabus Transportation section).
There is a post-visit survey that everyone should complete, reflecting on what they learned. [ SURVEY RESULTS ]
11:25 Adjourn back at the Food Bioprocessing (Schaub Hall) parking apron
Our trailbuilding video (download for best resolution)
Week 5 ... 09.19 ... Endangered Species Act & Red List ... Island Biogeography & Metapopulations
M 09.19 ... Endangered Species Act & Red List
09:35 - 09:45 Housekeeping & announcements
Sit wherever - not project teams today - 6 tables
Turnipseed post-visit survey ... if you haven't done it, please do today (f you were there) [ SURVEY RESULTS ]
First reflection learning changed from W 09.21 to F 09.23 (because of assignment collision)
Share milestones calendar
09:45 - 10:10 Questions and class-built Venn diagram comparing ESA and Red List
Explore similarities and differences between ESA and Red List
Quick poll - Leveraging your voice - Union of Concerned Scientists categores
Additional information – ESA species databases – has listed species in all sorts of groupings, including by state, status, delisted, etc
10:10 - 10:40 - Small groups, each assigned to one of the Red List / ESA "success story" species
Prepare a separate Google presentation (3-5 slides, 5 minutes max) for each species in this ESARedList folder, by table number
1. California condor ... 2. Apache trout ... 3. Robbins' cinquefoil ... 4. Australian grayling ... 5. Mauritius kestrel ... 6. Green sea turtle
Describe the species, threats, historic and current range, classification on ESA and Red List through time, conservation actions, and why it's considered a success. How did ESA and Red List "help the cause?"
Take breaks as needed
10:40 -11:20 - Each group presents findings and fields questions for 5-7 minutes
11:25 Adjourn
W 09.21 ... Island Biogepgraphy & Metapopulations
09:35 - 09:45 Housekeeping & announcements
Sit at table corresponding to the model you looked at for the prep work (2-4)
2: Last names A-C ... 3: D-M ... 4: N-Z
09:40 - 10:00 Compare & contrast island biogeography and metapopulation theory [ class discussion ]
10:00 - 10:15 Review of metapopulation model 1 [ Hess ]
10:15 - 11:00 Examination of metapopulation models 2-4 [ you working ]
Split among tables by the model you were assigned to. Work as a group to figure things out.
Take 25 minutes to prepare, during which time you should sketch your metapopulation rate curves, and write down your equilibrium value(s) – you can use the whiteboards for this – just remember you’ll want to save what you do so that you can share it out with the class. Prepare to describe verbally how extinction and colonization occur and how why they are changing the way they do as p (proportion of patches occupied) increases.
Be ready to review each model with class at around 10:45
Here are the solutions for all models
11:00 - 11:20 Implications for conservation
Think about a population [what is a population??] of organisms living in contiguous habitat
What happens as the habitat is changed?
How do island biogeography and metapopulation theory suggest landscape change should be managed?
Based on the models, what would you ideally want to know about a species before making changes to the landscape?
Can you associate the results of these models with any conservation practices on the ground that you know about?
11:25 Adjourn
Week 6 ... 09.26 ... Patches & Fragmentation ... Conservation Corridors
09:35 - 09:40 Housekeeping & announcements
When you come in, sit at the table with the least number of people around it (there are 5 tables)
Continue working on your Conservation Challenges - reach out as you need guidance - next milestone is your schedule for getting it all done, due 10.03 (see Milestones in QuickLinks)
09:40 - 10:00 Conservation You! - Lana Davenport
10:00 - 10:25 Finish metapopulation work
Model 4
Think about a population [what is a population??] of organisms living in contiguous habitat
What happens as the habitat is changed?
How do island biogeography and metapopulation theory suggest landscape change should be managed?
Based on the models, what would you ideally want to know about a species before making changes to the landscape?
Can you associate the results of these models with any conservation practices on the ground that you know about?
10:25 - 10:30 Break
10:30 - 11:25 Birds' Eye View
There is a small team for each of five bird species
Complete Exercise 1 (sort of) for your bird species. Open the Google Sheet for your bird, put an X in each habitat square your bird can use according to the rules on the first page of the exercise. Be sure to do all six landscapes - each should auto-count the number of Xs.
Post the number of suitable habitat squares (Xs) in this shared spreadsheet. Then we'll talk as a class.
Report back on each bird - describe habitat needs and changes with different landscapes.
What is habitat loss without fragmentation? With fragmentation?
Relate what we've seen to the readings - for which species is fragmentation negative? positive?
What are your personal experiences with habitat fragmentation?
09:35 - 09:40 Housekeeping & announcements
Marja Diaz has had to cancel her 10.05 visit. I don't think we'll be able to reschedule :-(
5 teams today (maybe 6)
09:40 - 10:00 Conservation You! - Matthew Francisco
10:00 - 11:15 Real-life corridors [ you working ]
Start with the websites below and search around for other information on your corridor or topic
Prepare a 5-min presentation in this folder that includes: + what the corridor is called + what the corridor is intended to connect and do (provide context) + basic information about the corridor design (if applicable) + maps of the corridor + relate to readings, particularly in terms of how the corridor is being designed/selected (pattern, process, critiques) + any information about whether its function has been evaluated (and what was found) + challenges encountered and expected
Pick two people from your team to give the full presentation. You can pick using any criteria you wish (best presenters, those who most want to practice, etc). But these people will have to learn the full story, and the rest of the team will have to help them do that.
Remember, keep your presentation visual. Slide heading should provide key point for slide.
Take breaks as needed
Team 1: Yellowstone to Yukon (Y2Y) Highway 3 Initiative
Team 2: Florida Wildlife Corridor (Statewide) - here's a technical document
Team 3: Road Crossing Priorities in NC
Team 4: Herpetofauna Crossings (this is a big document - focus on Chapter 6 and poke the web for other examples)
Team 5: Eastern Tropical Pacific Marine Corridor (also see this article)
Team 6 (maybe): North-West Wildlink (also see this document)
11:15 - 11:25 Wrap and adjourn
Week 7 ... 10.03 ... Challenges Workdays
09:35 - 09:40 Housekeeping & announcements
In conjunction with your mid-semester reflection & self-evaluation (due F 10.07), please make an appointment to speak with Hess at This is an informal chat about how things are going and what you said in your reflection and self-evaluation (which is due F 10.07).
Hemlock Bluffs dates have been established
M 10.17 ... Teams 1: Charisma ... 2: Disease ... 3: Indigineous Voices ... 4: Red Wolves ... 7: Trophy Hunting
W 10.19 ... Teams 5: Engagement ... 6: Exotic Pets ... 8: Spotted Lanternfly ... 9: Marine
Check Assignments page
Due date for mid-semester reflection changed from W 10.05 to F 10.07
New entry for our visit by Kelly Cox & Daniel Parobok W 10.12 right after break
Check Milestones page
Product schedule for instructor review due today
Draft schedule for Conservation Challenges is available - there will be time on W 10.05 to rearrange if needed. It's in the Milestones Calendar - see the "Your forum in class" line.
09:40-10:00 Conservation You! - Iris Horton
10:00 - 10:15 Product Evaluation Task Force report (Amelia, Cassie, Emilee, Raegan)
10:15 - 10:35 Two corridor reports from last week
5: Eastern Marine Tropical Corridor
6: North-West WildLink
10:35 - 11:25 Conservation Challenges work time
11:25 Adjourn
09:34 - 09:40 Housekeeping & announcements
Quick chat about Challenges
Any changes to forum dates?
09:45 - 10:45 Conservation Challenges work time
10:45 - 11:00 Conservation You! - Nicole Bilodeau
11:00 - 11:25 Two corridor reports from last week
2: Florida Wildlife Corridor
3: NC Road Crossing Priorities
Fall Break (Monday 10.10)
Week 8 ... 10.10 ... Fall Break Monday ... Kelly Cox & Daniel Parobok
M 10.10 ... Fall Break ... No class
W 10.12 ... Kelly Cox & Danial Parobok
09:35 - 09:40 Housekeeping & announcments
Welcome back!
Conservation challenges schedule posted - if you don't like the title showing, please eMail me a new one. I'm pushing the first advertisement for this tomorrow (Th 10.13)
Next week is Hemlock Bluffs. We'll have a bus departing at 09:35 returning by 11:25. Meeting place being negotiated. If you're driving yourself, please be there no later than 10AM. 2616 Kildaire Farm Rd, Cary, NC
09:40 Kelly & Daniel
Don't forget to submit your main take-away point from this discussion. [ SURVEY RESULTS ]
Any remaining time devoted to Challenges work
Week 9 ... 10.17 ... Hemlock Bluffs ... Challenges Workdays
M 10.17 ... Hemlock Bluffs (half the class)
These teams will travel to Hemloc Bluffs today - bus pickup behind Biltmore Hall at 09:35; return by 11:25. . If driving yourself, please be there no later than 10A. 2616 Kildaire Farm Rd, Cary, NC
Teams 1: Charisma ... 2: Disease ... 3: Indigineous Voices ... 4: Red Wolves ... 7: Trophy Hunting
Other teams work on challenges project in classroom, with instructor support (Syd); complete peer review package
Don't forget to reflect on your main learnig from the Hemlock Bluffs visit
W 10.19 ... Challenges Workday
The field trip has been rescheduled so this will be a challenges workday for all teams. Student who have not gone to Hemlock Bluffs will go on W 11.02. Sorry.
09:35 - 09:40 Housekeeping and annoucements
For the 2022 Barkalow Lecture - Tu 11.01 3:30-5:00, Talley Coastal Ballroom - "Dr. Miyoko Chu will discuss how the fate of birds is entwined with our own — and how technology, citizen science, global communications, and shifts in attitudes and behaviors are changing the speed and scale at which conservation can be achieved to sustain nature and people, in a race against time." Registration requested for planning purposes, but you can just show up.
09:40 Challenges work time
Week 10 ... 10.24 ... Urban Conservation Planning ... Sonoran Desert Conservation Plan
09:35 - 09:40 Housekeeping and annoucements
Sit at the least populated, numbered table when you come in. There will be 5 tables to start with - things may get rearranged, depending on the room-Zoom balance
Cox-Parobok main take-away points are available - thank you to those who responded!
Don't forget to check your Challenges milestones - everyone should have delivered their peer review and that should be in process for 10.31 - some teams are coming up on Forum milestones
Assignments ... second learning in reflection document ... survey on take-away points from Hemlock Bluffs (for those who went) ... surveys on take-away points from Development Activity and from Hess talk on Sonoran Desert Conservation Plan
Conservation Challenges Forum feedback form updated per your Product Evaluation Criteria - please let me know if you see any problems
We have 3 potential slots for Conservation You! presentations if anyone wants
09:40 - 09:55 Conservation You! - Cassie Bolton
09:55 - 10:50 Development Activity - using your knowledge to integrate development and conservation
10:00 - 10:30 Work in small teams – draw on the paper copy with your table. When done, take a photo and upload it to this folder; name it with your table number (e.g., Table1). If there are enough people on Zoom, they’ll form separate teams and should work together on their ZoomRoom slide in this folder (instructions are in the slide). Take breaks as needed.
10:30 - 10:50 Report out from teams / discussion
10:50 - 11:25 Development Activity Redux
Continue working in your teams
Instructions coming
Don't forget survey on take-away points on this activity [ SURVEY RESULTS ]
W 10.05 ... Sonoran Desert Conservation Plan
09:35 - 09:40 Housekeeping and annoucements
Sit wherever
09:45 Sonoran Desert Conservation Plan [ Hess ]
Further reading, if interested
Don't foget survey on take-away points from this presentation [ SURVEY RESULTS ]
Week 11 ... 10.31 ... Peer Review Conferences ... Hemlock Bluffs ... Challenges Workdays
09:35 - 09:40 Housekeeping and announcements
Hemlock Bluffs on W 11.02 for the teams that didn't get out the last time ... Teams 5: Engagement ... 6: Exotic Pets ... 8: Spotted Lanternfly ... 9: Marine ... This is a tour of the preserve, not a work day. We'll be walking on trails.
Barkalow Lecture tomorrow (Tu 11.01) afternoon - see News at top of page
09:40 - 09:55 - Conservation You! - Amelia Faust
10:00 - 10:15 Review Round 1
Charisma (1) reviews Disease (2) at Table / Room (1)
Conservation Justice (3) reviews Red Wolves (4) at Table / Room (3)
Engagement (5) reviews Exotic Pets (6) at Table / Room (5)
Trophy Hunting (7) reviews Invasive Species (8) at Table / Room (7)
Marine (9) work time at Table / Room (9)
10:15- 10:30 Review Round 2
Disease (2) reviews Conservation Justice (3) at Table / Room (3)
Red Wolves (4) reviews Engagement (5) at Table / Room (5)
Exotic Pets (6) reviews Trophy Hunting (7) at Table / Room (7)
Invasive Species (8) reviews Marine (9) at Table / Room (9)
Charisma (1) work time at Table / Room (1)
10: 30 - 10:45 Review Round 3
Marine (9) reviews Charisma (1) at Table / Room (1)
Everyone else, work time
10:45 - 11:25 Work time
W 11.02 ... Hemlock Bluffs ... Challenges Worday
These teams will travel to Hemloc Bluffs today - bus pickup behind Biltmore Hall at 09:35; return by 11:25. If driving yourself, please be there no later than 10A. 2616 Kildaire Farm Rd, Cary, NC
Teams 5: Engagement ... 6: Exotic Pets ... 8: Spotted Lanternfly ... 9: Marine
This is a tour of the preserve, not a work day. We'll be walking on trails.
Other teams work on challenges project in classroom, with instructor support
Don't forget to reflect on your main learnig from the Hemlock Bluffs visit
Week 12 ... 11.07 ... Erin Hines ... Challenges Workday
M 11.07 ... Challenges Workday ... Erin Hines, Gaston County Environmental Educator
09:35 - 09:40 Housekeeping and announcements
Hemlock Bluffs visitors, please complete main points survey by W 11.09
Don't forget the second learning in your reflection document
Check your milestones ... lots coming up
Your thoughts on the Development Activity and the Sonoran Desert Conservation plan are available
09:40 Challenges work time
10:30-11:25 Erin Hines, Gaston County Environmental Educator (by Zoom)
W 11.09 ... Challenges Workday
09:35 - 09:40 Housekeeping and announcements
Don't forget the main points survey for Erin Hines' visit
There are two short reading guides due next week for Conservation Challenges (Exotic Pets due M 11.14, Red Wolves due F 11.18)
09:40 - 09:55 Conservation You! - Elizbeth Selves
10:00 - 10:10 - Conservation Challenges - Hess
10:10 - Challenges Workday
Week 13 ... 11.14 ... Conservation Challenges
M 11.14 ... Conservation Challenges
09:35-09:40 Housekeeping & announcement
Team tables to start with
See Challenges Milestones & Guidance in QuickLinks ... Instructor Review Draft of your Product is due this W 11.16 ... we'll review them as they come in.
Two Reading Guides due for Conservation Challenges ... Exotic Pets (today) and Wolves (F 11.18) ... see Assignments in QuickLinks
There may be more Reading Guides - I will keep you posted
09:40 - 10:15 Challenges team work time
10:25-11:00 Who Killed the Loggerhead Sea Turtle?
11:00-11:10 Break – Complete Feedback Form
11:10-11:25 Debrief – what went well, what could be better?
W 11.16 ... Conservation Challenges
09:35-09:40 Housekeeping & announcement
Sit wherever you wish
09:40-10:15 The Impacts of Exotic Pet Ownership
10:15-10:25 Break – Complete Feedback Form
10:25-11:00 Spotting the Spotted Lanternfly
11:00-11:10 Break – Complete Feedback Form
11:10-11:25 Debrief – what went well, what could be better?
Week 14 ... 11.21 ... Conservation Challenges ... Thanksgiving Wednesday
M 11.21 ... Conservation Challenges
09:35-09:40 Housekeeping & announcement
Sit wherever you wish
No class Wednesday - Happy Thanksgiving!!
If there's anything you'd like to talk about on M 12.05, our last class, you can enter it in this anonymous form
09:40-10:15 How Trophy Hunting Benefits Conservation & Wildlife Managemenet
10:15-10:25 Break – Complete Feedback Form
10:25-11:00 Red Wolf Conservation: Human & Coyote Conflict
11:00-11:10 Break – Complete Feedback Form
11:10-11:25 Debrief – what went well, what could be better?
Week 15 ... 11.28 ... Conservation Challenges
M 11.28 ... Conservation Challenges
09:35-09:40 Housekeeping & announcement
Sit wherever you wish
Third learning due W 11.30 in your Reflection & Self-Evaluation document
Final products due W 12.07, including your evaluation of them using the Product Evaluation Criteria you created.
Your end-of-semester reflection and evaluation entries due M 12.12 in the reflection and evaluation document in your assignment folder. Sooner is fine - please eMail Hess & Case when yours is ready.
Bring your __well-behaved__ pet to class day, M 12.05
If there's anything you'd like to talk about on M 12.05, you can enter it in this anonymous form
09:40-10:15 Indigineous Voices in Conservation
10:15-10:25 Break – Complete Feedback Form
10:25-11:00 Public Engagement in the World of Conservation Biology
11:00-11:10 Break – Complete Feedback Form
11:10-11:25 Debrief – what went well, what could be better?
W 11.30 ... Conservation Challenges
09:35-09:40 Housekeeping & announcement
Sit wherever you wish
Bring your __well-behaved__ pet to class day, M 12.05
If there's anything you'd like to talk about on M 12.05, you can enter it in this anonymous form
09:40-10:15 The Impact of Wildlife Diseases
10:15-10:25 Break – Complete Feedback Form
10:25-11:00 Underrepresentation of Non-Charismatic Species
11:00-11:10 Break – Complete Feedback Form
11:10-11:25 Debrief – what went well, what could be better?
Week 16 ... 12.05 ... Bring your Pet to Class Day ... Reflection & Wrap-Up
09:35-09:40 Housekeeping & announcement
Sit at tables per ... if name not on list, go to an emptier table
1. Iris, Jalin, Vanessa, Emilee, Cameron, Matthew A, Anna B, Elizabeth
2. Mary Grace, Reagan M, Suzana, Amelia, Ainsley, Jing
3. Nicole, Aidan, Michael, Madison, Caroline, John Mark, Grayson
4. Anna C, Bree, Tyler, Matthew F, Hanne, Cassie
5. Parker, Lana, Raegan R, Trey, Jared , Hunter
Final products due W 12.07, including your evaluation of them using the Product Evaluation Criteria you created.
Your end-of-semester reflection and evaluation entries due M 12.12 in the reflection and evaluation document in your assignment folder. Sooner is fine - please eMail Hess & Case when yours is ready. We'll work through them as they come in.
09:40 Introduction of pets (including any Zoom participants)
10:00 Revisiting early days
Revisit Introductory Activity - What's different now, and why / not?
Revisit working definition of conservation biology - In what ways would you change it? What aspects do you see now tha tyou didn't see during our first week together?
Most valuable / surprising / importan / etc lesson learned
10:30ish Reviewing the course (Hess & Case will leave and come back)
What worked well for you in the course, and why?
What would you change, and in what way?
Any other thoughts?
Eventually ... adjourn
Wrap-Up Submissions
W 12.07 - Final products due W 12.07, including your evaluation of them using the Product Evaluation Criteria you created.
M 12.12 - Final Reflection & Self-Evaluation. Your end-of-semester reflection and evaluation entries due M 12.12 in the reflection and evaluation document in your assignment folder. Sooner is fine - please eMail Hess & Case when yours is ready. Please don't remove comment threads.