I am a Masters in Engineering Management Student at North Carolina State University excited to start my career with an enthusiasm for strategically optimizing Organizational projects and processes

Nice to Meet You

I'm fueled by a passion for turning the art of process excellence into a science. I have worked as a business management strategist with a consultancy firm where I implemented strategies to improve marketing tactics and led innovative product ideation phases for clients. Project Management has served as a great fuel to my passion for optimization and through my academic journey I have explored various areas of growth in this field with a zeal to explore more as I go.

I'm enthusiastic about achieving “Kaizen” through Lean thinking and Six Sigma methodologies to enhance the overall efficiency of organizations. I thrive on exploring my curiosities by employing DMAIC in all projects - you know the magical spell to turn chaotic processes into near-perfect symphonies.

Outside the world of data-driven decision-making, I'm an avid writer of fantasy tales. These stories help me dodge plot holes and embrace creative chaos, a skill I find surprisingly transferable to my optimization journey by helping me explore different facets of one story.