In the midst of the chaos of 2020, from homeschool to masks to the upcoming elections, one topic has been brushed under the rug - the postponing of the Summer Olympic Games. The Summer Games are an opportunity for us as a country, and as families, to come together to support our athletes as they compete at summer sporting events - from swimming to volleyball to track and field. While the “official” games are postponed, there is no reason to delay this comradery. This is a call to all of our couch olympiads!
DIY Olympic Games are a way to keep your family active and entertained, while fostering some healthy competition. The rules and regulations vary from game to game. Throughout our “fair” season we will offer you some suggestions but invite you to create your own games and submit your ideas. Rules can be as simple or as complex as you like!
If you have any videos or pictures or if you have a DIY Olympic Game suggestion, fill out our form to be included on the page. Make sure to include the rules and regulations! We’ll post links on this page throughout the virtual fair.
Cotton Ball Shot Put
The rules to this DIY Olympic game are simple. Each contestant gets three throws. The throw that goes the farthest distance wins. Stepping on the circle or throwing out of bounds is considered a fault and results in no measurement. Be sure to celebrate your win and don't forget to create your DIY Olympic Medals!