5th Educational Data Mining in Computer Science Education (CSEDM) Workshop

In conjunction with EDM 2021

Virtual Workshop - June 29th, 2021 - 10am-4pm EDT

Welcome to the 5th #CSEDM workshop which will be held during the EDM 2021 conference. CSEDM 2021 is co-sponsored by SPLICE.

Update (12/27/2021): The official proceedings are available from CEUR here: http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3051/

The Workshop details can be found here: https://go.ncsu.edu/csedm2021. While the event has ended, we have a CSEDM Google Group that is open to anyone interested!

Update (5/10): Abstract and paper deadlines have been extended by a week - see revised schedule below.

See the Call for Papers for more information on submitting, and submit on EasyChair.

The objective of this workshop is to facilitate a discussion among our research community around Educational Data Mining (EDM) and AI in Computer Science Education. The workshop is meant to be an interdisciplinary event. Researchers, faculty and students are encouraged to share their data mining approaches, methodologies and experiences where AI is transforming the way students learn Computer Science (CS) skills.

Virtual Workshop Notice: CSEDM has moved to a fully virtual workshop format. This is to best facilitate attendance and full participation from those unable to travel due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We will have a number of active, participatory events at the workshop to keep virtual attendees engaged! In-person attendees to EDM are still encouraged to attend online!

Registration Open: To register for the workshop, please register for the EDM Conference. Any registration type will include admission to the workshop.

The workshop will feature paper presentations, as well as time to present and learn more about the 2nd CSEDM Data Challenge, which will launch this Spring, prior to the workshop. The goal of the challenge is to bring researchers together to tackle a common data mining task that is specific to CS Education.

Important Dates (Updated!)

  • February, 2021: Open Call for Submissions

  • May 17 (extended), 2021, 11:59 PM GMT -10: Abstract Deadline for Research Papers and Presentation Abstract Submissions

  • May 24 (extended), 2021, 11:59 PM GMT -10: Paper Deadline for Research Papers and Presentation Abstract Submissions

  • June 7, 2021, 11:59 PM GMT -10: Notification of acceptance for Research Papers and Presentation Abstract Submissions

  • June 29, 2021 5th CSEDM Virtual Workshop at EDM21

For more information, contact Bita Akram <bakram@ncsu.edu>