Google Meet

Google Meet - Video learning platform

Improve your experience...

There are a few things that you can do to improve your experience while using Google Meet. When streaming live video quality can be impacted by Internet connection. These days the Internet is greatly impacted by the number of people working & learning from home. Check out this short video to see the difference between "network speed" and "bandwidth."

Tip #1: Use a "nicknamed" meeting:

How to:

  1. Set up the permanent Meet link in Google Classroom (Click the gear located at the top right of your screen to access the Classroom settings)

  2. In the "General" section click the button to turn on Meet so it says "Visible to Students"

  3. Click the "Save" button in the top right of your screen

  4. Now you will see your permanent (Nicknamed) meeting link just under the class code:

  5. Just click the link or picture of the camera to get started. Your students will do the same:

Tip #2: Having video quality issues? Make a few changes

How to:

  1. BEFORE starting your meeting go to - this is your Google Meet "home" page

  2. Click on the gear at the top right of your screen to see the Audio & Video settings.

  3. The first tab has your Audio settings. This is where you should check if you can't hear or if others can't hear you. Turn on Noise Cancellation (new)!

  4. The Video Tab shows the camera you are using and it has a preview. Check this setting if your video doesn't work

  5. Click Done when finished.

Tip #3: Grid View or "Brady Bunch View"

By default Google Meet shows 9 meeting attendees at a time. You can manage your settings for this tool by choosing the "layout" from your Google Meet menu (click on the 3 dots to get the menu (located at the bottom right of your screen).

Click the "Change layout" - then choose the layout you would like to use. Use the slider to show up to 49 participants.

The "Google Meet Grid View" extension ..

The "Google Meet Grid View" extension was automatically downloaded to everyone in the NCSD.K12.CA.US domain since Google now provides this service in the core application. However, some features were lost so you are free to install the extension yourself (see the picture so you get the right one).

Once you get logged on to a Google Meeting click the Grid at the top right of your screen. Check the boxes as you see fit - the most important one is "Enable grid view by default."

Want to dig deeper? Click on View Advanced Settings....

Most important "Enable grid view by default"

Tip #4: Improve your video quality

By default, audio settings are set to "Standard Quality." If you are having some video issues, try changing some of the settings.

Options are:

  • Standard definition (default)

  • High definition

  • Standard definition - one video at a time

  • Audio only - use this when your connection is very poor

The only way to change these settings is if you are actually in a Google Meet.

Follow the directions in Tip #2 to click the 3 dots, then settings to see this option

Want to learn how a student can call into your Google Meet by phone?

Click on the below video to find out how.

Call into Google Meets.webm