Teacher's Journal for the Galilee Cemetery

Write About It!

Archaeology is not just about the way a name is carved on a grave marker or about what items are left on a grave. It is about how the past is tied to the present, too. That means that it is important how you felt about the cemetery and what you were thinking while you were there.

To reflect means to stop and think about something. Stop and think about your trip to the cemetery. What did you like the most? How did you feel while you were there? What made you feel that way?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

For teachers:

If students are unable to write about their feelings at first, you can give them ideas: Were you scared because you were in a cemetery? Were you comfortable because you have been to Galilee many times before? Were you sad, maybe because you loved someone buried there? Were you mad that the cemetery was not cared for properly? Were you just curious about what you would learn? Were you happy because you got to be outside?

After the students are finished writing, have them share their entries. Have them comment on how their classmates’ thoughts and feelings are similar or different.

Writing is not the only way for a student to reflect on his or her time at the cemetery. You could also let students draw a picture of the cemetery or have them do larger projects such as decorating a poster board. Chose a project that fits your classroom goals