
Starting in 1999, I offered Race and Ethnicity in Global Perspective, an anthropology course exploring the intellectual history for Race and offers anthropological perspectives on human differences, with and without inequalities. We will consider the historical development of the race concept, models for ethnic identity and ethnic interactions, and explanations for social relations around the globe. The first half of the course focuses on North America and in the second half we surveys the globe, focusing on several case studies. The implications of our understandings of race and ethnicity in conjunction with the implications of the divisions are explored via ethnographic texts. Students choose a case study from anywhere around the world and using the course skills and concerns analyze social relations and offer solutions for social divides through a final research paper.

I published an account of the course in 2023 in Teaching Anthropology, linked at The syllabus for the last offering of the course (spring 2023) is found at Race and Ethnicity in Global Perspective - Spring 2023Â