Graduation Project

Graduation Project

You can see past Graduate Projects presentations ​​​​here.

Eighth graders present a thesis statement based upon a self-chosen research topic, making it an authentic, meaningful project.

Presentations are 20 - 30 minutes in length and must be presented in at least three different genres.

Project Guidelines:

For this project you will research a person, event, topic or issue that is of interest to you, about which you would like to learn more and which will sustain your interest for 2 months of study.

You will choose a topic and research, collect information and record it, synthesize the information, formulate a thesis statement, and present the information in three different genres. You will complete a citation page and endnotes page at the end of your project. You will present your information to the class in a minimum of a 20-minute presentation where you will discuss your project and present your genres as well as run a question and answer session.


  1. You must use at least 5 different sources of information for your research. Sources can be: books, websites, magazine articles, newspaper articles, encyclopedias, TV shows, movies or personal interviews.

  2. For each source, you must have one page of notes. (college lined paper, handwritten or 2/3 page typed) If you have several small sources, you can have fewer notes per source, but notes must total five complete pages.

  3. You need to document your sources, including page numbers for any direct quotations. This should be included on your notes page for each source.

  4. You need to come up with a thesis statement about your project: a one-or two-sentence condensation of the argument or analysis about the information that you will be presenting in your projects. (We will go over this in more detail in class.)

  5. You will present your information in at least 3 different genres. Some past genres that you might consider are: essay, poetry (one long or 3 short), board game, poster, book, powerpoint, brochure, journal entries, interview (with write up or videotaped), demonstration, video presentation, play, invention or experiment, original artwork, fictionalized story, letter, magazine. Original ideas that are not listed are accepted after approval from me.

  6. Each genre must include information from your research. Each genre must have different information about your topic. You can’t repeat information in different genres.

  7. All of the information in your genres must support your thesis statement and can’t be just random facts about your topic.

  8. You must include a citations page at the end of your project. You must use MLA format for your citations. (We will cover this in class)

  9. You must include an endnotes page for your project. Each genre will have an entry which tells what information and sources you used for that genre. (We will cover this in class)

  10. You will run a 20-30 minute presentation to the class. You will discuss the process of doing your project: why you chose your topic, how you went about conducting your research, discuss what you found to be the most interesting, surprising, frustrating, discuss how what you learned changed your opinion about your topic. You will present your three genres. You will run a question and answer session with the class. You will have note cards prepared for your presentation.